Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

I did not do TRT but I purchased wearable noise generators on my own and my quality of life with them versus without them is exponentially better. If you have insurance that can cover some of the cost, it's an easy decision.
@cjbhab in what way do you feel they helped?
Is your tinnitus severe and sound reactive?
Can you mask your tinnitus?
I think my T is pretty bad yes. It is sound reactive most days. I can sometimes mask, I can sometimes not. depends on the day. They help by providing my brain that masking noise input, I believe it somehow turns down the volume of my T.
@cjbhab - do you feel the volume of your T remains lower when the noise generators are switched off, or returns back to baseline?
Do you think they have lowered your T over time, or just simply help managing day to day when you have them on - but like hearing aids do for people when they have T due to hearing loss?
@DeanD it returns to baseline immediately when I am not using them. The brain has no input and ramps up the tinnitus. The first couple years I would say my T did lower, but I've had some setbacks since then. They are very good at helping me manage my day to day and making me feel comfortable.
@cjbhab - thanks for sharing, and I totally get that. Some noise can make my t go quieter and then ramp up again once I'm in silence. I guess though that helps back up the TRT idea - which is peddled by some on here as the 'treatment for tinnitus'. Noise through maskers can help subdue but not resolve or reduce - and really feel without the hefty price tag of TRT it wouldn't be a treatment pushed by anyone
@DeanD from my view , I would be suicidal without my devices, so I would recommend them to anyone. I could never go back to not having them. Couple thousand bucks for some sanity? Take my money.