Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

This can indeed be temporary @DeanD Setbacks like this can last a long time in my experience. My t reacted badly to raining on roofs, windows and such for a long, long time. This passed, eventually.
You have suffered too much, friend. I know you are very cautious about any meds, but if this spike becomes too much, I think you could discuss Gabapentin + Ativan, or just start with Gabapentin. Your reactivity seems to behave like mine, and although I look forward to the day that I am off my Ativan, it has saved me and got me thus far.
I am now over 3 weeks since the spike caused by hearing aids playing crickets quietly for 1h. It receded some, but I am notably worse than I was. Hate I listened to the audiologist. It shows how fragile our ears are after noise trauma. This is basically death sentence. The question is how soon we get to the unbearable level.