Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Regular tinnitus isn't really my issue, although I do have mild tinnitus. But my main issue is dysacusis, which is distortion of external sounds. Certain sounds and frequencies I hear sound broken, distorted, inaccurate, unnatural, etc. My case is probably mild compared to many cases I've seen on here, but it's still quite bothersome.
My regular hearing tests were all normal, but an OAE test showed abnormal hair cell function in my left ear.

And yeah, I heard about the COVID shots giving some people tinnitus too, but I got the first two doses and nothing happened to my hearing.
@HearingHell All of my tests TTTS, OAE, ear structure, extended hearing all checked out perfect. My downfall was taking a small does of an anti anxiety drug for 3 weeks to calm my heart down. When my Tinnitus started they did the typical MRI and CT and found a hidden brain malformation I was born with. So that medication could created the "perfect storm" for Tinnitus. How did you get yours?
@BellaMia My hearing issues just kind of popped up randomly. I didn't have a massive singular noise event. But I'd say it was most likely from wearing headphones every day for many years. So it was probably cumulative damage that slowly built up over the years, and suddenly hit me like a train one day. I thought I had the headphones at a safe volume, but I guess not.