Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

There is not too much really. You could ask ENT about prescribing steroids but if onset is a month ago it is probably hard to justify. Audiologist will find your hearing loss if you have it, maybe prescribe hearing aids if you have severe enough loss. That's about it.
Maybe talk to both about resources (pharmaceutical, therapists, treatment plans, sound therapy) to help you deal with the immediate trauma. The most important thing to do with this on onset, is to reduce the trauma. I'd recommend using whatever tools are available to you to do so.
Too late for steroids and hearing test could make your T worse. ENTs/Audiologists know nothing about T, they are no more than human placebos.

Cancel the appointments.
Decline Acoustic Reflex test and Otoacoustic Emission test. They are loud, especially if you have hyperacusis. Or at least discuss with the doctor what meaningful treatment could be done with the results of those tests to see if they are worth the risk.
Thanks a lot for responding @AfroSnowman. It means a lot to me. So, by trauma you mean the mental trauma of having Hyperacusis and Tinnitus or the actual.physical problem? My hearing test done 4 weeks back, roughly 7-8 days after the onset of Hyperacusis was all clear. There was no hearing loss
@Jupiterman I already had a hearing test on Dec-29 and may be one of the tones that I picked up might have been a result of the hearing test ☹️☹️
@kingsfan One of my intention for the visit is to get some references for Audiologists/ENT that have had experience working with Hyperacusis patients. For instance, my wife also has some peculiar ear issues. When she went to the same ENT 6 yrs back, he straightaway told her that this is not his expertise and he referred to another Dr who really took very good care of her ears untill he passed away.
@Heal82 the emotional bit. If there is a medical intervention they will tell you. Mostly though there really isn't much they can do to treat this. Healing and habituation will take as long as it takes and MDs can't really hurry it up. The one thing they can do is help you deal with the stress reaction while you heal/habituate
So many people suffer so much early on. The suffering itself often times exacerbates the tinnitus. Treatment by Rx or by treatment plans (CBT, sound, etc) or both can make a traumatic experience much less severe.
Thanks @AfroSnowman for always answering my questions. I wish and hope your life gets even better going forward.
Can the ENT tell me whether I have TTTS or there is an issue in my middle or inner ear ? @AfroSnowman
Thanks @kingsfan , I will keep in mind. I don;t want to get another test done which only harms me. What about CT scan? I believe that should be okay as they are not loud ?
@kingsfan @Jupiterman @AfroSnowman So, the nurse practitioner had never heard about my condition in his entire career and the ENT Specialist with 25 years experience mentioned that it's all in my mind and my ears have no damage.He asked me to undergo CBT but didn't know anyone specifically who could help me with it.So, in all the visit wasn't that fruitful.Any hearing therapist in Virginia?
Although, I do like to hear when an ENT specialist tells me that my ear has no physical damage. Even though I believe there actually might be some damage which is not easy to identify with today's technology.

Love it when they tell you is a psch problem.

ENT saying T/H is pschy problem = There is nothing I can do about it so I'm saying it's all your fault.

Told you it was a waste of time!
@Jupiterman Well the thing is now even my wife thinks it's all in my mind. But, she is fully supporting me in my silent retreat. So, hats off to her.
The only thing I probably got by yesterday's visit is a setback. I feel my ears are even more hollower today. I don't have ear fullness rather opposite. I feel my ears are like empty metal vessels. Any little noise reverberates through my head
@kingsfan The nurse practitioner at one point asked for otoacoustic emissions test. I showed your comment and declined. Thanks.