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  • You all are amazing!! I appreciate everything you do! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
    Amazing achievement... and long may you reign. Although I do not visit the site often, it is great to keep in touch... You were there for me when I needed you. Here's to another five years and more definitive cures for tinnitus. Best wishes, Gwen
    Thank you so much, Markku. If in this life we will be lucky enough to be cured of this, I swear we will have to have all a big party. As hard as this is, I have learned a lot. A big hug
    Today Tinnitus Talk turns five years old. In a month it will be six years of tinnitus for me. Thank you for sharing this journey with me.
    Merry Christmas Markku. I hope your well and your life is filled with peace and joy. Things have been better for me overall; however tinnitus can still present days of affliction. The Lord has been kind to me and given me a lot of good days this year, where tinnitus did not bother me.
    :) Great, Joe! I wish you and your family have a blessed 2016!
    @Markku was having a rough t day- just reaching out saying hey and thank you for running this forum- it's a valuable resource
    Hey man, as it happens, I've actually been thinking about you but I didn't want to inadvertently bother you or appear as nosy. Sorry to hear about your rough tinnitus day — I'm unfortunately familiar with those, lately too, so I definitely share your pain.
    I've been trying to count my blessings, in hopes of diverting my mind from getting too caught up in the bad stuff, but it is hard. It is hard. Hopefully your Sunday evening will be a little better. Let's stay in touch! You also have my e-mail address if you would like to exchange thoughts at any point in time.

    Be well and take care.
    Thank you Markku for making this site. It has been a godsend for me and I know many others. The wealth of information provided with the support here is priceless. All the best to you and yours. Patty
    Thanks patty. You don't know how happy it makes me if the site has helped you. :)
    I want to thank you Markku for your big effort with Tinnitus Talk. You are priceless to many online/offline users around the world. Keep up the support/good work you give to thousands of people and also remember to take care of yourself! Hyvää joulun odotusta! :)
    Hello Markku,
    Just wanted to say thank you for putting together or being a part of the making & management of this forum, it has been brilliant for me. Hope you are well and thanks again :)
    Thanks, that's so nice of you! While I put the site together, the members like yourself are the reason why the site continues to thrive & help people across the globe. I never thought we'd have members from all continents!
    Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity. –Hippocrates
    I might be unreachable for a couple of days. If you have any worries or questions, please contact Jim & others on the forum. Thanks. :)
    Going for a late night sauna and then a movie. And just finished writing & sending Tinnitus Talk's first newsletter.
    Whoo, it's soon Christmas! :) Also, the brief maintenance break is now over. Welcome back!
    Been so busy that I haven't really had the time to take part in the discussions. Next week should be back to normal. 8)
    Spotify is such an awesome tool for finding new music, I love it more and more every day.
    There's an actual fly somewhere here, I can hear it but can't seem to find it. Annoying. Going to find it now.
    I don't have a new tinnitus noise I hope :)
    Ah got it!
    Have a good night everyone, time to make some tea and watch the latest episode of United States of Tara! :) See you around!
    First week of April. Tinnitus Talk one month old. My own ringing pretty much under control. Hope everyone's doing okay. :)
    I'm really happy there are already a handful of members here and many seem to post frequently. Thanks all! :)
    Is this the best way to send a private message to another member?
    Definitely not. Everyone can read these, so more private stuff shouldn't go into this section.

    If you'd like to private message someone, start a conversation with them by going to their profile -> Information -> "Start a Conversation".

    Hope this helps,
    Tinnitus Talk seem to be running okay now. Hoping those with T make TT their favorite destination.
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