Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

I haven't. Are you also using the sound enrichment / maskers like with TRT?
My CBT experience was pretty terrible, but there seems to be nobody trained in anything T related near me. I tried to OTO app and some things helped me relax.
Yes I have. I think it can really help living with T and if you are lucky it can eventually change how the brain reacts to the sensory input, which as we know won't change.
@RunningMan No, they have not offered me those, but may ask them on the next visit if there is a possibility. Am also afraid of aggravating my T as it is very reactive. Have you tried TRT?
I tried in the very beginning but there weren't any educated in tinnitus in my area so it was regular old CBT and I failed terribly at it.
It won't cure anything. But it can be beneficial to helping you react in less negative fashion. Which can make living with T more tolerable.
@kingsfan @Tryn2BHopeful Sad to hear, but I understand you. Have also gone through CBT/met a psychologist where they had no understanding of T and the suffering. Hope it will be better this time. In any case, it feels good that they only work with T patients.