Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Healing would be bliss. Better then winning 10 million.
That's true. I'm fked fr my self esteem at an all time low
@MatthewR - is your tinnitus loud? You seem more concerned about the hearing loss. Both are difficult I know … please don't abuse your ears with the head sets. Play music with head set.,
10 million? 10 billion! There is no amount of money I would want more than being free of T&H.
@gameover - agree. No amount of money. I see people in bad positions and in my head I always say to myself … at least they don't have T and H.
I don't even think 100 billion is worth it. Even with that much money, I don't even think I can enjoy it. I'll just be equally miserable lol. Maybe it'll make some things easier but still miserable.