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  • I know it doesn't makes any sense but this thing appears to force me to the end of me on purpose. I want to live. I want to win. But man...
    Why when I adapted to my multiple tones, hissings and hearing loss do I have to develop an ultra-high pitch electric sound?
    Same. I habituated to the tones in both ears and then high pitch electric static blasted over it and fills my whole head now. Been almost a year since it got to this level. Non stop screeching in both ears. I'm sorry when I see others have the same. Hang on my friend. You're not alone.
    @dipp how much hearing loss do you have?
    I´m having also some episodes of fleeting T that are awful. What is wrong with me.
    2 weeks of lower T(the very high pitched in the right mostly went away)and now is back in full force.Can handle lots of sounds.Not this one.
    Hopefully just a temporary spike. All Ive ever known is that super high pitch squeal. It's rough.
    Then what about me? I have not a single minute free of T.Only more or less in the shower.When I go to bed I feel relieved that the day ended
    Same. Every second. I can't eat, breathe, or think without it taking over.
    I really don´t like reading that somebody´s T is bothering them when going to sleep. Did you have a T-free whole day and you complain??
    Really screwed at the moment.Don´t know what to do anymore.Have been thinking about my T 24x7 in the last month.Not a single moment of peace
    Don´t know if I can overcome this last worsening. I feel I have no more strength in me. Don´t know if this life is worth anymore.
    I´m thinking about how good is that we humans only have 2 ears.Can´t imagine how awful would it be to have 4 or 6 ears and T in all of them.
    For real. ;]
    @Mo8409 Actually it is a serious thought I have. Maybe I can imagine that I have 4 ears and have 2 of them with no T. But I´m glad that it made you laugh anyway :) Since my last worsening this thing makes me think weird things like this. I just want some peace.
    @dipp I get it. We all do. Silence was nice while it lasted.
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