Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Joshua Macleod
Hey man, I'm really sorry to hear you're struggling so much with the nox. Mine was a dull, persistent ache, with sharp pains that I could almost feel travel along a nerve down my face after noise exposure.
Joshua Macleod
Truth be told, I often still have the dull aching pain but the threshold before a sharp pain is markedly higher. There's a buzzer on the bus I use which, if I haven't got my plugs in, causes a sharp, though subtle, pain even now.
Joshua Macleod
I can't think of anything in particular that I did, frustratingly. Despite the T, H and N, I've had to continue working in an environment that can become loud at times, though I've always had plugs at the ready, so I can only imagine that constant exposure has heightened my tolerance before an H and N moment.
Joshua Macleod
That said, the 12-months of intolerable H and N were horrific - I would wear plugs in meetings, in the office, in the lab, at home. Before I moved house further from work (hence the bus), I'd have walked an extra 30 minutes just to avoid walking past a busy-ish road - a walk that would have literally been 5 minutes, otherwise...
Joshua Macleod
Anyway, sorry for the wall of text and not much of help. I'm thinking about you, man - I really hope you get some respite soon. Do keep in touch, we're all here for you.
I hate this so much. My life is being taken from me. And there is nout that can be done. I am trying to hold on for my son and partner but as this gets worse so does my resolve. Thanks for the reply mate and thinking of me.