I tried many but they did not help me for H:
-HBOT (this was helpful for T but now too loud in double hearing protection)
-sound therapy
-diet and situps to increase BDNF
-overprotection (many hours with earplugs but not 24/7) - just few weeks, maybe I should continue more weeks/months?
-supplements and herbs
3. Avoiding/wearing ear plugs in any situation which causes me pain/significant discomfort. For example, for a long time I noticed that my ear would feel full & painful after washing my hair, & it didn't get better no matter how often I did this. Eventually, I started wearing foam ear plugs when washing my hair & noticed that I didn't get these symptoms.
4. At the same time, I noticed that it is important for me to expose myself to as much non-harmful sound as possible, & to try to push/test my limits regularly. I've noticed that if I use my ear plugs too much, my tolerance does seem to get worse. Things sound louder, my startle reaction is easier to activate, etc.
Whereas if I allow myself to take in as much normal sound as possible, my tolerance seems to increase slowly overall.
5. Almost forgot this one, but listening to podcasts & YouTube videos related to pain science! I don't doubt that for the majority of us nox begins with a real injury, but since the brain is involved in the processing of ALL pain, it never hurts to work on the brain component!
This is especially so as peripheral sensitization can easily lead to central sensitization if it persists, so it can be hard after some time to differentiate what is what.
I also believe that for many people, dysfunction of the TT muscle is involved in nox, & the brain controls the functioning of this muscle.
@MadeleineHope you are lucky you can wash hairs with earplugs. For me it is too loud in protection. Many things at home are too loud for me in double hearing protection. I did not have much luck with sound therapy, seems it made me worse. Almost every sound is too loud for me. 40db too loud,my ldl below 40 db. Inserting earplugs too loud, not using- not a solution.
Is it just too loud for you or do you also get pain? For the record, I was really severe initially too. Definitely couldn't use a shower head... I would only bathe & even then used ear plugs. But over time, I tried to expose myself more & more, and the loudness abated.
I still struggle a lot with the loudness, but it's not as catastrophic as it used to be (i.e., touching paper used to cause my ears to burn & even having sheets rub against me was too loud).
@MadeleineHope it is just too loud and causes T spike and H worsening. My main issues are severe loudness hyperacusis and variable tinnitus. Every day is a struggle not to worsen my H and T, not to get new accoustic trauma.
With loudness hyperacusis, my experience is that slowly reintroducing increasing levels of sound helps. The key is to start really slowly & not to overdo it when you are really severe, because, as you pointed out, otherwise you will slide backwards.
The other big piece is to talk to yourself reassuringly as you expose. Tell yourself that you are okay, that the level of sound you are listening to is not hurting your ears. And if you hear a louder sound, talk to yourself reassuringly as well.
I really do believe that in the vast majority of loudness hyperacusis cases (where there is no physical cause to the hyperacusis, like SCDS or something like that), stress plays a significant role in perpetuating/increasing symptoms.