Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Try to keep your head up @BellaMia You are stronger than t. This too shall pass. I'm rooting for you.
Going through some grief right now while also having tinnitus. It's hard. Hang in there :,)
@BellaMia Well, we all have to live through hard times - but some days you just have to look forward and try not to get overwhelmed by it all. When I have bad days I get out, if I can, somewhere quiet, to shift my mind to something else. If only for a while, I usually get that needed mental time-out. And there is always tomorrow.
@MindOverMatter I too stay busy. I just recently bought a bluetooth head band for bad days. I haven't wore it yet but it works pretty good when I tested it out. You should get one!
@BellaMia I have one of those but not sure where it is now. Did you get that for masking the T when it's bad by playing white noise or such? Be careful with the volume.
Mind over matter is so right. Bad days happen, you just need to do small things that make you feel good like go for that walk, clean that kitchen, persue that hobby.

It will get better.