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  • I take Gabapantin as well and it's helped me a lot. In fact it will totally shut off my noise but then I have to play the tolerance game to keep it going and after 3 years it seems like I am getting g more of the drowsy affect. I take 300mg x 3 times per day and if I want it to shut off I take another 300. It helps a lot for anxiety too.
    My question is back then in 98 in comparison to now, how is your outlook on us getting a cure?
    like have you noticed any changes in the level of research or attention this condition it gets. or do you think we are in the same position as 1998. they keep saying we are 5-10 years away but it turns out that thats whats always said.
    Yo you had this since 1998 holy crap, f#ck me, my condolences man. You are a legend man.
    I was like dam near a kid still playing with toys when you had this horrible condition. 1998. you have no idea how crazy that is for me to hear. You are so strong man
    seriously I hope and pray we get treatment asap.
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