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  • I'm getting through this by not fighting it anymore but accepting it. I wish I did that from the start!
    Fight or Flight doesn't allow that for many of us. Acceptance and mild defeat will eventually numb your panic response. And afterwards it becomes an endurance thing. That's my take.
    I accepted it the first time around cause it was very easy too with low volume an all.This time ive excepted it again but the anxiety likes to keep rearing it's ugly head makes it impossible at times to relax the brain enough to not worry about it getting louder.
    Acceptance and being pro active about it getting worse. That's the Key. But if you're not satisfied until it goes away you'll most likely never win
    After having the worst year of my life, I'm ready to ring in 2023. May we all have a peaceful year!
    F**king Amen To That! Looking forward to 2023 with gratitude and hopeful healing. Happy New Years!
    I'm finding out more people have this 'T' than I thought - friends, colleagues and their spouses, acquaintances. Who knew?
    Hi, dexxr9. I have some friends and colleagues with T. All of them are happy and without worrying about their T. So, it takes some months, but after a while, we will completely adapt to this ringing.
    I think its more common than we think. Differs in severity ofcourse. The people I know that have it just don't seem to be affected by it. They don't have an emotion attached to it and they also don't use forums like this either.
    CW Dragon
    I always had a low frequency hum in my ears and never cared much about it. I wouldn't be shocked if the vast majority of the population had it. I only realized it when I went into a silent room and closed my ears that it was there.
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