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Member, Male, from U.S.

My left ear is noisy as hell. It seems that there is still pain in my left Eustachian tube when doing valsalva maneuver or using EarPopper. Sep 7, 2024 at 5:54 PM

    1. just1morething
      This noise I have is so loud. I put my lower jaw advancer in and took a 10mg diazepam to see if it calms down.
      1. ZFire likes this.
    2. just1morething
      My noise is very loud in my left ear at 4:24 am. The sooner I get my left jaw surgery the better.
      1. ZFire and streifzug like this.
    3. just1morething
      I seem pretty good today. I used my lower jaw advancer last night.
      1. ZFire, tpj, streifzug and 1 other person like this.
    4. just1morething
      Bad ear(s) day for me. I think I overused my EarPopper and had static all day.
      1. streifzug and aab like this.
    5. just1morething
      I guess they can’t keep “off with the head” tinnitus formula on the shelves as it sells out quickly.
      1. tpj, Sansa and streifzug like this.
      2. streifzug
        I'll buy 2, just to make sure.
        Apr 7, 2024
        tpj and just1morething like this.
    6. just1morething
      The only thing I have to lose with replacing my worn out left TMJ is my loud noise. I feel like I’m jinxing myself. It helped others though.
      1. tpj likes this.
    7. just1morething
      Woke up at 1:30 am with my left ear loud high pitched noise. I was so tired last night I didn’t take a sleeping pill. TMJ surgery 5-17.
      1. aab likes this.
    8. just1morething
      Bad left ear noise day but quite sure it is caused by left jaw inflammation. I forgot to use my jaw advancer last night.
    9. just1morething
      I think that chiropractor adjusting my jaw by jamming my worned out rough condyle into the socket made my left ear ringing much worse.
    10. just1morething
      My head is full of static sound today that is unpleasant. I did go to a chiropractor yesterday so that may have contributed possibly.
      1. Daniel Lion likes this.
    11. just1morething
      I’ve heard a supplement called “off with the head” has a 100% success rate with tinnitus.
    12. just1morething
      I have light static today. I habitually try my EarPopper with Flonase but then I get sharp pain momentarily in my left jaw. Surgery in May.
      1. Bernardo431
        Surgery for what?
        Mar 23, 2024
      2. just1morething
        It is a left jaw prosthetic to replace my worn out left side which is bone on bone. I’m a bit apprehensive about the surgery but it should help with the inflammation and hopefully the tinnitus. My right jaw is fine.
        Mar 24, 2024
    13. Earman
      Whats your thoughts about Tinearty from "the tinnitus company"?
      1. just1morething
        I have never heard of it but the name sounds like a scam.
        Mar 23, 2024
      2. just1morething
        @Earman, Tinearty website looks legit. I wonder how much it costs?
        Mar 24, 2024
      3. Earman
        In US its $575

        The company Duearity say it sells good in US, but I have not read so many reviews outside the companys own website so I dont know...
        Mar 25, 2024
        just1morething likes this.
    14. just1morething
      I woke up quiet today but had pain all over my body. I then napped and awakened with alarming left ear noise. It has now subsided.
      1. tpj and streifzug like this.
    15. just1morething
      It snowed overnight here. It’s officially spring but the next few days look to be cold and snowy.
      1. tpj, Bernardo431 and streifzug like this.
    16. just1morething
      I keep napping during the day all the time and awakening to distressing static noise mostly in left ear.
      1. Nordland90
        I'm having the same exact problem going on here lately. I've had tinnitus for over 7 years, but the last 3-4 years it haven't bothered me at all. 3 weeks ago it went haywire out of nowhere, and each time I wake up it sounds like I have a old TV inside my left ear. Usually it chills out a bit through the day, and at nighttime its down to a 2/10. Next morning tho? Back to 7/10 for several hours.
        May 5, 2024
        just1morething likes this.
      2. just1morething
        May 6, 2024
    17. just1morething
      My left ear is screaming. I tried using my lower jaw advancer last night.
    18. just1morething
      High pitched noise in left ear upon awakening was brutal. I’m quite sure it’s related to inflammation in my left jaw.
      1. aab likes this.
      2. Bernardo431
        Does your t lessens during the day?
        Mar 19, 2024
      3. just1morething
        Yeah sometimes, but my left jaw is sore and cracks loudly so I hope a jaw replacement fixes everything.
        Mar 20, 2024
    19. Daniel Lion
      Daniel Lion
      My pleasure my friend.
      Take care
      1. just1morething and tpj like this.
    20. Daniel Lion
      Daniel Lion
      I hope everything works out great. I am praying for success for you. The people who had the surgery? Did they have positive feedback? May 17 th, in about 1 month. I imagine the recovery will be a few months. You'll hopefully end up with less noise and a jaw like Sean Connery, 007. Praying for you buddy
      1. tpj and aab like this.
      2. just1morething
        My surgery is actually about 2 months away. My left ear noise is extreme upon awakening so I can’t wait to have it behind me. I usually try my EarPopper and Ibuprofen to knock down the noise. Thanks buddy for your concerns and advice.
        Mar 15, 2024
        tpj and Daniel Lion like this.
    21. Daniel Lion
      Daniel Lion
      If after careful questioning. Research and weighing up the pros and cons....you conclude it's a go, then do it. I know nothing about bone on bone, it doesn't sound good. I wish I could be more helpful. Spare no expense when it comes to health. We only live once. let us know your thoughts and happenings concerning this, sincerely Daniel
      1. tpj, sakrt and just1morething like this.
      2. just1morething
        I’m doing the total jaw replacement surgery on May 17th. My left jaw is shot and there is inflammation. I think the inflammation is causing Eustachian tube dysfunction or possibly eardrum issues. It only causes pain when using my EarPopper. My right jaw is fine. The noise is the worst symptom. Thanks for thoughts and concerns. @Daniel Lion.
        Mar 14, 2024
        Daniel Lion and tpj like this.
      3. just1morething
        I have seen multiple TMJ surgeons. Some think the damaged jaw can cause tinnitus and others don’t. I have talked to a couple people that have had the surgery. It’s much more common in women than men. I decided the noise is so debilitating that the surgery is worth the risk. You’re right you only live once.
        Mar 14, 2024
        Daniel Lion and tpj like this.
    22. Daniel Lion
      Daniel Lion
      Have you read up on people who have had the procedure?! The surgeon sounds positive, all surgeons are generally, they like doing surgery. Is there any NIH data on this procedure and post op results. Have you had a second or third opinion. if he reckons it will stop the noise that's huge. What's his reasoning? Does it make sense to you? Money well spent if it is helpful. Don't worry about the politics,post away ,
    23. Daniel Lion
      Daniel Lion
      Are you apprehensive about surgery? What is TJR, is that the jaw surgery? What have you read about people who have had the surgery? Why the apprehension? Are you scared?
      1. just1morething
        @Daniel Lion, My left TMJ or jaw is bone on bone and a TMJ surgeon in Arkansas thinks a prosthetic TMJ will stop my left ear noise. I’m apprehensive because it’s a major surgery cutting off my upper jaw etc. It is also quite expensive at over $20,000 out of pocket. I hope all is well with you and your family. I guess I should stay out of the politics thread as it’s too divisive. I trust Bill O’ Reilly.
        Mar 13, 2024
    24. just1morething
      Loud head noise and body pain. I didn’t sleep well last night. Still apprehensive about TJR but I paid part of it that’s non-refundable.
      1. aab likes this.
    25. just1morething
      I'm back to my left ear static. Left jaw hurts more so when using my EarPopper.
    26. just1morething
      That Pileated woodpecker made pock marks on my cranium.
      1. Daniel Lion and tpj like this.
      2. tpj
        Mar 9, 2024
        just1morething likes this.
    27. just1morething
      My head noise is louder than I want. It actually seems more in my right ear and head. Could my jaw be twisting?
    28. just1morething
      I took Sudafed last night and it helped my tinnitus some. My inflamed left jaw affects my left Eustachian tube.
      1. tpj and Ngo13 like this.
    29. just1morething
      There’s a great big Pileated woodpecker outside my window. I think it wants to peck away at my head.
      1. tpj and streifzug like this.
      2. streifzug
        shoot it!
        Mar 4, 2024
        crescentsky likes this.
      3. just1morething
        I love that bird and all the other wiid animals that show up here.
        Mar 4, 2024
        Daniel Lion, tpj and DesertRain like this.
    30. just1morething
      I have jaw surgery scheduled in May. Does anyone else here have worn out jaws? For me it’s just my left where my tinnitus is.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. just1morething
        @Marina Moon, yes I do have pain in my neck and shoulders. From what I understand TMD can cause many body problems. Do you have an oral appliance to use when sleeping? Do you have sleep apnea? I was awake until 5:00 am so I’m not feeling the best today. I don’t really have pain in my jaw except when using my EarPopper. Then I feel pain in my left jaw.
        Mar 11, 2024
        Marina Moon likes this.
      3. Marina Moon
        Marina Moon
        @just1morething I don't think i have sleep apnea and I don't use an appliance. i'm not entirely sure whether i need one, even though my jaw shifted to the left since june, i have trouble opening my mouth, and it only returns to normal position when I eat. I have bilateral facial pain everyday. I guess it does sound like i need one, but i have alot of back pain, and scoliosis that went undiagnosed for years.
        Mar 11, 2024
        just1morething likes this.
      4. Marina Moon
        Marina Moon
        @just1morething Have you found any relief with your neck and shoulder pain? I have alot of nerve pain down my left arm. Does your ear popper help with your middle ear? My eustachian tubes are definitely inflamed, as they squish and pop all the time. I'm sorry for my influx of messages! I hope you feel better today!
        Mar 11, 2024
        just1morething likes this.
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    TMJ disorder, airplane barotrauma, noise exposure.
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