Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

I've noticed this too recently. Car brakes sound a bit louder and more ear piercing than normal. Not sure if I've had this since onset of dysacusis or if I just never noticed until recently.

Is this new for you or did you experience this when you first got distortions?
@HearingHell I started experiencing it early on when I first got distortions. I was sensitive to a lot of sounds and some of those mostly faded over time (wind, PC, birds) but I still can't stand the sound of cars squealing, it's pretty loud and piercing.
@TheCapybara hello there! It's been almost 4 weeks since I started having terrible tinnitus, sound sensitivity and distortions. My tinnitus and sound sensitivity is a little bit better now, distortions never improved. Especially the car breaks are the worst for me. It literally pierces through my ears and disrupts my balance. How long did you have sensitivity to the car breaks and did it ever get better?
@2049v Hey 2049, sorry to hear you're also dealing with distortions. While my tinnitus is still pretty mild and sound sensitivity is generally gone, I'm still very sensitive to car breaks and dealing with distortions and it's been two years now so, maybe that's around to stay or it takes a really, really long time.