Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

i have rumbling in my ear when i touch the back or side of my neck on the right side.
You sure no TTTS? It is probably from the trigeminal nerve, which runs through middle ear muscles. I get this sometimes and I thought it was from my TTTS
@Ngo13 I was tested for TTTS at U of M and my test came back clean. It comes and goes and they said it was anxiety related. Not everything is anxiety related!
@Ngo13 That's how I ended up with T to begin with! They said my heart acting up was anxiety related and the med they gave me, gave me T. My guess is that it's inflammation because something is going on right now and I have a spike that's been going on for awhile now and I feel inflammation in my ears and head.
@cjbhab Does it come and go? Have you been diagnosed with anything? Hearing loss? Etc?
Believe it or not I can modulate my tinnitus a lot by pressing my jaw, by applying slight pressure on the right side of my head, clenching my teeth just a little, or bending my neck. If I push my ears in with the pal, of my hand sounds like a car tire deflating. Man I am fed up.
Wonder how they did those tests for TTTS @BellaMia Ive had long bouts of this several times, but eventually they always resolve after a period of time once I manage to get my stress levels/anxiety back down again. TTTS is not necessarily caused by stress, but to me (and many others) its driven by anxiety/negative stress.