4mg 2x a day along with Amoxicillin.. was doing fine, then shortly after this evening 4mg dose, very bizarre shift in my ears/tinnitus. What I am experiencing…
Significant fullness feeling in left ear. Most tinnitus has moved to right ear and louder, except ultra high pitch remains in both ears. Now left has low tonal hum which is heard/gets louder when my left ear rubs up against my pillow or if I rub my left ear. This stops or gets very quiet as soon as the rubbing sound stops, so like a reactivity tone?…
Lastly, hard to explain, but brain can tell something is off. Ear to brain connection feels like it's trying to troubleshoot, but can't, and I can almost feel it. Also left ear fullness can be felt onto face randomly. Like WTF?! Besides being sick with this bad cold, ears were holding up very well despite being sick!
I am obviously stopping the steroid, but I cannot wrap my head around such a low dose for only 3 days leading to this. A spike in T volume or R, sure, but this? I am praying so hard this settles as steroid flushes out of my system but I'm terrified I am dealing with a significant shift that may not reverse or die down. Any advice ?? This full L ear is concerning.
Oral corticosteroids do strange things to tinnitus. It should all go back to normal after a few days of being off of them. I have to take prednisone semi-often for my asthma.
@BrOKeN_1@kingsfan thnak you for the feedback! Thankfully the fullness and shift of tinnitus all went away. You are so right that they do strange things to tinnitus. Only thing I'm still experiencing is low tonal hum in left ear off and on and all my sounds kind of went lower in frequency. Honestly not complaining, I now feel even more so for those who have constant physical sensations that are not comfortable.