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Nov 3, 1988 (Age: 35)
Sask, Canada

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Member, Male, 35, from Sask, Canada

How is Lenire FDA approved but it is basically trash? I read somewhere here FDA protects the consumer. How in this instance? Jul 4, 2024 at 6:02 AM

    1. cjbhab
      anyone ever have a torn rotator cuff? if so .. was it super obvious something was torn?
    2. cjbhab
      Can turmeric / curcumin make tinnitus worse? i need anti inflammation, im having shoulder issues.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer
        I don't think it'll make it worse.
        Jun 26, 2024
    3. cjbhab
      if you are laying with your left ear on your pillow.. can you hear your heartbeat? i have always been able to.
      1. RunningMan likes this.
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      3. ECP
        If it makes you feel any better, the ENT said to me, "Maybe your hearing is just really, really good." He also said he can hear his own heartbeat on his pillow too.

        I think the real question is whether the ability to hear your heartbeat on a pillow predisposes you to T or H or is more likely to occur after you get T or H. I betcha science doesn't know the answer to that.
        Jun 26, 2024
        cjbhab likes this.
      4. ECP
        Do you have any idea as to why you can hear it on your left side but not on your right? Anecdotally, it seems like most people hear it on both sides or not at all.
        Jun 26, 2024
        cjbhab likes this.
      5. cjbhab
        @ECP science doesn’t know the answer to much about T.
        i always assumed it was because the heart is on your left side.. that’s probably super over simplifying it though.
        Jun 26, 2024
        ECP likes this.
    4. cjbhab
      why is everything so unnecessarily loud? how did i not notice this before T?
      1. tpj, kingsfan, _Shoto_ and 1 other person like this.
      2. gameover
        Good question. Everything about people is fucking too loud. Somehow nature does not seem to...
        Jun 25, 2024
      3. _Shoto_
        Absolutely agree with you. Cars, motorbikes, music in grocery stores, microwaves, blenders, people, everything and everyone is so loud
        Jun 25, 2024
        gameover, tpj and cjbhab like this.
      4. crescentsky
        i honestly don't know how more people are not deaf with how loud this world is.
        Jun 26, 2024
        _Shoto_ and gameover like this.
    5. cjbhab
      i don’t believe the (NRR-7)/2 calculation . i’m really only getting 12.5 dB protection from 32 dB earplugs? protection doesn’t exist then.
      1. RunningMan
        I think that's factoring in a poorly fit or inserted earplug as well, which is easy to do with foam plugs. So their standard is erring on the side of caution.
        Jun 24, 2024
      2. cjbhab
        @RunningMan i would not say i have a poor fit when im using mack’s 33 dB foam earplugs. they expand perfectly and block the whole ear when i put them on properly. most people i see wearing earplugs do not put them in right though.
        Jun 25, 2024
        RunningMan likes this.
    6. cjbhab
      how do people have mild stable T ? lol
      1. Bob3382
        Mine is not stable, but you would probably call it mild. It is loudest right before bed, and first thing in the am.
        Jun 24, 2024
    7. cjbhab
      i get fed up with this never being stable. violent TTTS symptoms in left ear now.
      1. RunningMan and beefling like this.
      2. RunningMan
        To audio stimulus or spontaneous? I get the fluttering to voices a lot (left ear) and thumps spontaneously sometimes in right ear that go on for a while (or sometimes in response to stretching / touching / moving).
        Jun 24, 2024
      3. cjbhab
        @RunningMan spontaneously . yesterday i was having an issue too where my left ear was clicking in response to my own voice. so annoying.
        Jun 24, 2024
        RunningMan likes this.
    8. cjbhab
      120 Decibels in Rogers Place tonight.
    9. cjbhab
      how would tapping on the back of your head relieve tinnitus? that makes no sense lmao. all it does is cause a fleeting T episode.
      1. Sansa likes this.
    10. cjbhab
      what a rollercoaster. I was 292 lbs, got down to 196 then T turned into a disaster for about a year. back to 250 now back to 196.
      1. RunningMan likes this.
      2. RunningMan
        I was about 220 lb. in early 2020 and dropped to as low as 176 that fall. I have maintained closer to 180 since.
        Jun 21, 2024
        cjbhab likes this.
    11. cjbhab
      what would be your current biggest problem if you didn’t have T?
      1. gameover, Juliane and streifzug like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Juliane
        @crescentsky Yes exactly. That is why I don't hesitate to call tinnitus one of the worst conditions a human being can get :-(
        Jun 20, 2024
        tpj, gameover and crescentsky like this.
      4. Pinhead
        Jun 20, 2024
        Utdmad89 likes this.
      5. cjbhab
        i would not have a single real problem. I have finally accomplished a lot in life and i’m in a good spot but T is clouding it.
        Jun 21, 2024
    12. cjbhab
      i wish ENTs weren’t useless haha.
      1. Juliane and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
      2. Juliane
        I wish I was Alice in Wonderland
        Jun 20, 2024
    13. cjbhab
      my TTTS is back the last 2 days and i don’t know why. i hate TTTS.
      1. RunningMan likes this.
      2. RunningMan
        Mine will drive me nuts some days and other days almost none. I have both the sound stimulated fluttering (left ear) and spontaneous thumps (right year), but not at the same time.
        Jun 15, 2024
    14. cjbhab
      I wonder 24 months from now where we will be with regards to the Shore device.
      1. Sansa and RunningMan like this.
      2. RunningMan
        I would expect it to be available in multiple areas of the U.S. by then. Hopefully we will be hearing a lot of positive feedback in contrast to what happened with Lenire.
        Jun 13, 2024
        cjbhab likes this.
      3. SamRosemary
        I’m hanging on by a thread for that..
        Jun 14, 2024
      4. crescentsky
        Hopefully it will magically cure us all. Free us from this misery.
        Jun 14, 2024
        Juliane and SamRosemary like this.
    15. cjbhab
      nobody gets it. if i tell you i can’t play slowpitch in 60K wind then i can’t play slowpitch. do you think i like this?
    16. cjbhab
      every day is a tornado where i live. im starting to get pissed off.
      1. Juliane and streifzug like this.
    17. cjbhab
      thanks Dr Shore for the webinar this afternoon. A lot of big words and science I don’t understand. T is complicated.
      1. cjbhab
        susan went over the results of their medical trials and explained the science of what is happening in the brain when you have T. She also answered several questions but could not discuss the timeline of the device or FDA process.
        Jun 12, 2024
        ECP likes this.
    18. cjbhab
      how do you get anger out when you can’t scream and throw things due to T?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ECP
        I once asked my acupuncturist that question, and she said "cardio." I don't agree that exercise takes the anger away, but it does keep my mind (and body) preoccupied enough to forget about the anger for a little while.
        Jun 11, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
      3. cjbhab
        @ECP i do 90 mins cardio a day. it helps but i really just wanna smash something.
        Jun 12, 2024
        ECP likes this.
      4. crescentsky
        I imagine I'm stabbing the shit out of T when I exercise.
        Jun 14, 2024
        ECP likes this.
    19. cjbhab
      if severe T is caused solely by loud noise , severe T should be super super common. i’m not seeing it though.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Juliane
        Most people have strong ears. Robust ears is something that is incomprehensible to me
        Jun 11, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      3. crescentsky
        im convinced we unfortunately got handed trash ear genes.
        Jun 12, 2024
        Juliane and gameover like this.
      4. gameover
        My ears were very strong all my life. The infection fucked I had during the trauma. My ears could take one thing at a time, but not two.
        Jun 14, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
    20. Lipshitz
      Hey snizzleberry go get a job , your on tinnitus talk 24 hours a day
      1. cjbhab and snizzleberry like this.
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      3. Utdmad89
        You know absolutely fuck all. Why are you even on here.
        Jun 13, 2024
        ECP, tpj, snizzleberry and 2 others like this.
      4. weehiru
        It's a tinnitus support forum dude. What else would we be talking about here? Seriously lol
        Jun 13, 2024
        ECP, tpj, Juliane and 3 others like this.
      5. cjbhab
        @Lipshitz it actually is peaches and cream for most people. Severe T is extremely rare and most health problems are temporary. a small portion of the population is suffering . the rest are partying 24/7 with no issue.
        Jun 14, 2024
    21. cjbhab
      in a spike right now . left ear cutting in and out with new sound + facial / ear / head pain.
      1. snizzleberry likes this.
      2. snizzleberry
        Feel better
        Jun 10, 2024
        cjbhab likes this.
      3. Lipshitz
        Don't know what world you live in but most health conditions aren't temporary, people in their 50s have one chronic health issue , 60s two chronic health issues, 70s three chronic health issues . None of this is temporary, health issues get worse over time through the normal aging process . So your comment on most issues are temporary is moronic .
        Jun 15, 2024
        cjbhab likes this.
      4. cjbhab
        @Lipshitz lol okay. i stand corrected everybody is being tormented 24/7 by medical conditions.
        Jun 18, 2024
    22. cjbhab
      do your ears making crunching noise when you swallow? i swear when im in a spike the crunching noise is worse. inflammation?
      1. BB23
        Jun 9, 2024
    23. cjbhab
      why does everyone talk so loud? i’m right beside you. Use your indoor voice.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. cjbhab
        @gameover except they don’t, they are just loud and annoying for no reason.
        Jun 9, 2024
        Juliane and gameover like this.
      3. Juliane
        Right?! A colleague was talking nonstop and loud to me for about 15 mins. Afterwards I got a headache and flu like symptoms. So f.... rude!
        Jun 11, 2024
      4. Juliane
        Wish I had the nerve to just say "please stop talking. It is hurting my ears and my brain". What a way to make friends LOL
        Jun 11, 2024
    24. cjbhab
      How do Garth Brooks and Blake Shelton perform every night with a band on stage with no ear protection?
      1. Juliane
        Because they either have robust ears or are like you and me before we developed T
        Jun 11, 2024
    25. cjbhab
      sausage N egg mc muffins are unreal honestly.
      1. Sansa and snizzleberry like this.
      2. snizzleberry
        Fire. I love the bacon egg and cheese McGriddle too.
        Jun 7, 2024
        cjbhab likes this.
      3. RunningMan
        I like the sausage, egg, and cheese McGriddle. Egg McMuffin & Bagel are pretty good also. I'm not a fan of the biscuit, though.
        Jun 7, 2024
        cjbhab likes this.
    26. cjbhab
      I feel like i minimize other people’s health issues now because i literally don’t think any temporary issue matters.
      1. Juliane
        I agree completely. A temporary health problem is a luxury!
        Jun 6, 2024
      2. crescentsky
        it is definitely a luxury. I am beginning to think even my chronic IC and my stomach issues is a luxury.
        Jun 8, 2024
        gameover and Juliane like this.
    27. cjbhab
      what is stopping an SBUTT from being permanent instead of just lasting 5-10 seconds?
      1. gameover likes this.
      2. Pinhead
        Either the stimulus ends or there is some kind of gating effect that takes place.
        Jun 6, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      3. cjbhab
        @Pinhead its a big fear of mine an SBUTT just won’t stop. They are extremely loud and high frequency and cause dizziness and disorientation.
        Jun 6, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      4. MiaVIL
        dizziness and disorientation? like Menieres? My fleeting tinnitus only happens once every 2 days and mine are very pleasant and don’t last nearly as long as i’d like
        Jun 8, 2024
    28. cjbhab
      do any of you find that you are a much angrier person than before?
      1. gameover, NTV, Juliane and 1 other person like this.
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      3. Juliane
        Oh yes.
        Jun 6, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      4. gameover
        Yes and no. I was angry before at people's stupidity and selfishness. I am still angry, but I am also tired.
        Jun 8, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
      5. Bob3382
        I struggle and struggle not to be angry.
        Jun 24, 2024
    29. cjbhab
      there’s really nothing i can do about tinnitus hey? even after 8 years this flabbergasts me.
      1. gameover likes this.
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      3. cjbhab
        @Varda its so discouraging that when you go back in the internet 15 years ago there was going to be a cure in 10 years.
        Jun 6, 2024
        gameover, _Shoto_ and Juliane like this.
      4. Varda
        @cjbhab I'm sure WW2 vets that got it were told the cure was 15 years away
        Jun 7, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      5. gameover
        SSD will only help SOME people with some types of T. Many will be fucked and die without help.
        Jun 8, 2024
    30. cjbhab
      one of the saddest weeks of the year for me. Everyone is in nashville partying at cma music fest but i can’t go anymore.
      1. gameover, Sansa and snizzleberry like this.
      2. snizzleberry
        I miss festivals and raves. Hope I can return one day.
        Jun 5, 2024
        cjbhab likes this.
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  • About

    Nov 3, 1988 (Age: 35)
    Sask, Canada
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Sinuses, Ear infection