Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Usually the day after for me - lasting, usually, in the range of 1-4 weeks
For me, it could start up to 24 hours later and it usually lasts 2 weeks, but sometimes longer. I hate the not-knowing.
Thanks for the feedback @MindOverMatter and @ECP .. I'm in one now, hit about 4 days ago. I'm off for summer break so not sure if it's due to the come down of everything and some life stressors, but ugh it's a doozy!
I really struggle with staying home in low sound environment and trying to "rest" when this occurs because all that does is bring back ptsd of my worst days and fixation on it. I try to distract myself with walks and light cleaning, but very simple things spike me and trigger a stress/fear response.
I hope this spike clears up soon for you. It's your summer vacation and you deserve a break from stress.
Awe thank you, and I'm so sorry to read you're experiencing a big setback @ECP especially after doing well for many months! Do you know if it was one event that did it or a series of louder exposures?
Sorry to hear this I'm also in a spike 1 days ago I got hit with 50 seconds of a leaf blower/lawn mower. Then a few minutes after that someone pulled next to my house and honked the car horn 45 seconds. Took 24hrs to notice the reactivity is haywire
It was one event lasting about a minute. I was running errands in the city, and I was exposed to loud construction equipment and didn't plug both ears fast enough. Anyway, I hope your spike is going away. Mine is back to baseline as of 2 days ago.
@Sammy0225 Thinking of you and hoping the reactivity dies down soon.
@ECP happy to hear you're back to your baseline. I feel like mine is coming down, but still has it's moments where it's holding onto the spike ;( this sh*t is for the birds! Again, what I would do for nonreactive tinnitus!
@Sammy0225 ugh I feel like we try our hardest, get to some OK places, the nervous system calms down, then boom. A spike. Heightened reactivity, more intrusive T. Not how I envisioned starting the summer but I guess I was a little too wreckless.
My most recent spike took 26-29 days to go back to baseline. It's hard to say exactly, because the improvement was soooo gradual toward the end. I bet you'll see some additional improvements too if you just stay relaxed and patient. Don't blame yourself for being too reckless or too optimistic. I was really mad at myself for the first three weeks, and it probably made things worse for my healing, not better.
@ECP thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it. In that 26-29 day time frame, did you limit your time out of the house? Did you purposefully stay in low volume environments? Just wondering what others do during the spike time who eventually go back to baseline.
Yes, I stayed home more, and I worked harder to avoid noise, even indoors. I'm still not sure if it's okay to let down my guard, just because I've returned to baseline. I keep misjudging what my ears can handle.