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Nov 3, 1988 (Age: 35)
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Member, Male, 35, from Sask, Canada

should be a $5000 fine and vehicle impound if your vehicle is over 80 dB. 2nd offence $10,000 3rd offense guillotine. Jul 4, 2024 at 4:48 PM

    1. cjbhab
      should be a $5000 fine and vehicle impound if your vehicle is over 80 dB. 2nd offence $10,000 3rd offense guillotine.
      1. streifzug and crescentsky like this.
      2. crescentsky
        My city has a noise ban as well as fireworks, no one follows/not enforce. The only punishment should just be instant death for violators, no warnings, no fees.
        Jul 5, 2024 at 6:04 AM
        cjbhab likes this.
    2. cjbhab
      i wish there was fairness. for example , anyone who has been subjected to same amount of noise as me lifetime has severe T too.
      1. gameover and crescentsky like this.
    3. cjbhab
      How is Lenire FDA approved but it is basically trash? I read somewhere here FDA protects the consumer. How in this instance?
      1. gameover likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. cjbhab
        @_Shoto_ whoever made that device should be in jail. yep.
        Jul 4, 2024 at 4:37 PM
        gameover likes this.
      4. BB23
        @_Shoto_ they approved fluoroquinolones. Ssris. They don't care about effectiveness or safety. Only money.
        Jul 4, 2024 at 5:17 PM
        gameover likes this.
      5. cjbhab
        @BB23 if someone cared about money they’d find a way to make a pill that gives me daily silence and charge me $50 a day for it for the rest of my life.
        Jul 5, 2024 at 1:51 PM
    4. cjbhab
      i hate listening to people bitch about problems that are not going to exist in 4 months
      1. _Shoto_, Pinhead, gameover and 6 others like this.
    5. cjbhab
      i miss experiencing emotions that aren’t related to tinnitus.
      1. _Shoto_, Pinhead, gameover and 5 others like this.
    6. cjbhab
      there’s really nothing i can do about this but go die hey?
      1. tpj, _Shoto_, BB23 and 2 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Bob3382
        There are other avenues than that. Do anything that helps you enjoy what you can of life. Pray if you believe in God.
        Jul 3, 2024 at 5:49 PM
      4. cjbhab
        @Bob3382 i beg and plead with god constantly to just give me this one thing. let me out of this torture, but god is not interested :(
        Jul 3, 2024 at 7:09 PM
        L along the way and crescentsky like this.
      5. Varda
        @crescentsky Yup. They would say this points to a "mental health crisis" and a need to prescribe more SSRIs.
        Jul 6, 2024 at 9:47 AM
        crescentsky and cjbhab like this.
    7. cjbhab
      where are all these guys that were writing on the forum in 2013? cured? dead? relaxed?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. crescentsky
        I'm pessimistic as well. I think it is mostly the middle option. At this rate I probably will be dead soon too.
        Jul 3, 2024 at 5:27 AM
        gameover likes this.
      3. Bob3382
        Maybe they are habituated, and the people who come here are not. That is what I think I think people come here searching for an answer, and if they have even a partial one, they don't come back.
        Jul 3, 2024 at 5:50 PM
      4. gameover
        Some are surprisingly alive, some are I bet dead. I think very few recovered where they live normal lives. At least from the severe cases.
        Jul 4, 2024 at 4:34 AM
    8. cjbhab
      in 10-15 years we will be dead lmao. unreal no compassion . sorry for rant but honestly
    9. cjbhab
      nothing should ever be 10-15 years out lol. so what… you plan to start looking at it in 13.5 years? haha unreal so much red tape
    10. cjbhab
      we make excuses for the medical community at every turn. we don’t even want a treatment.
    11. cjbhab
      unpopular opinion: taking my money and then disappearing into thin air.. some would call that fraud
    12. cjbhab
      the mechanisms behind this make no sense. why does 76 db of noise cause massive suicidal spike? why doesn’t anyone care about this
      1. gameover and _Shoto_ like this.
      2. gameover
        Nope. Maison, a well-known T researcher gave me a acoustic trauma via extended audiogram recently. The tones should have not exceeded these levels.
        Jul 4, 2024 at 4:35 AM
    13. cjbhab
      where is this mysterious Hough pill for example. guys claim they have a solution and then disappear into thin air?
      1. streifzug likes this.
    14. cjbhab
      i still believe there is a solution for everything. there is a solution for this. we don’t know what it is because of red tape.
      1. streifzug likes this.
    15. cjbhab
      can’t go to canada day fireworks cuz i have T. can’t do anything. can sit quietly and watch suits on low volume with subtitles
    16. cjbhab
      how to stop getting chalkboard screeching sbutts? feel like i’m not asking for much.
    17. cjbhab
      got an additional sound that keeps cutting in and out of my left ear. makes my stomach jump and makes me on edge.
    18. cjbhab
      unpopular opinion: if we had free reigns to go to the pharmacy and buy whatever we want, one of us would have found a cure by now.
      1. BB23
        There's no cure best bet is the KCC2 drugs which are ten fifteen years off.
        Jul 1, 2024 at 7:39 AM
      2. cjbhab
        @BB23 how the hell is anything 10-15 years off? lmao. just such a joke.
        Jul 1, 2024 at 10:28 PM
        crescentsky and tpj like this.
      3. cjbhab
        if something is 15 years away it’s on the back burner and not something anyone really cares about
        Jul 2, 2024 at 5:01 AM
    19. cjbhab
      how are there literally 85 year olds walking around and they can’t hear a thing but there is no ringing in their ears? lol like F ME
      1. gameover and Ngo13 like this.
      2. crescentsky
        It's amazing. I don't know how T works. My dad is 62 and he uses power tools without ear protection and complete silence. And here I got my current T not even from a concert. Lame.
        Jun 30, 2024
        gameover likes this.
    20. cjbhab
      even after 8 years i still find myself daily wishing for a cure and not believing there is no solution to this problem.
      1. RunningMan
        Cure? A treatment is many more times likely to come along before any cures (if ever).
        Jun 30, 2024
      2. cjbhab
        @RunningMan just want something that improves my T enough that it’s not on my mind every second of every day.
        Jun 30, 2024
    21. cjbhab
      i’m seeing a new family doctor for the first time Tuesday. I don’t think there’s any point of even mentioning T to them.
    22. cjbhab
      I still don’t get why everyone is so loud lol. you don’t have to scream at your buddy when he is right beside you.
      1. ECP and streifzug like this.
    23. cjbhab
      why is there a huge crunching sound in my ears when i swallow? never had this before T. i feel like when i am in a spike, its worse.
    24. cjbhab
      i can see why i had a drinking problem in the fall lol. had some booze tonight and feel great haha.rode around on the bicycle and lit a fire
      1. streifzug likes this.
    25. cjbhab
      really depressed. i just wanna enjoy my life.
      1. streifzug, _Shoto_, ECP and 2 others like this.
    26. cjbhab
      props to everyone who is still working and maintaining relationships and accomplishing dreams despite this disgusting affliction.
      1. _Shoto_, NTV, ECP and 1 other person like this.
    27. cjbhab
      might be one of worst spikes i’ve ever had . cocophony of sounds cutting in and out with bouts of vertigo. no point in seeing a doctor
      1. _Shoto_, ECP and gameover like this.
    28. cjbhab
      i don’t get why nobody else has this problem. why is it reserved for me?
      1. ECP and gameover like this.
      2. gameover
        There is plenty of us. But not enough.
        Jun 29, 2024
        crescentsky, cjbhab and ECP like this.
      3. ECP
        As Tobias Funke on "Arrested Development" used to say, "There are dozens of us! Dozens!"
        Jun 29, 2024
        cjbhab likes this.
    29. cjbhab
      holy man am i in a bad spike. one of the ones i worry i will be dead in a month if it doesn’t go away
      1. _Shoto_ and gameover like this.
      2. BrOKeN_1
        Sry 2 hear that @cjbhab it will most likely settle some but I know how you feel. All you can do is hope and search for distraction. Its all very exhausting...
        Jun 29, 2024
        cjbhab, ECP and gameover like this.
    30. cjbhab
      having a bad spike right now. why? what is different? there has to be something? i don’t believe it is random.
      1. gameover and streifzug like this.
      2. streifzug
        maybe from the day before?
        Jun 28, 2024
      3. cjbhab
        @streifzug maybe a bit of noise 4 days ago. but really? spike 4 days later ? crazy SBUTTS. i wonder what is happening scientifically in your brain when a spike happens. something different is happening and something has to cause it. lots of times it’s seemingly random.
        Jun 28, 2024
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  • About

    Nov 3, 1988 (Age: 35)
    Sask, Canada
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Sinuses, Ear infection