Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

That's great to hear. We all look forward to it. Here's to hoping you keep getting better ❤️
@MatthewR did your hearing improve over time?
Yes it has improved, not 100% but sounds now sound normal again not completely muffled. I'm doing better
@MatthewR wow, that's great news! I'm really happy for you.
@MatthewR how has your tinnitus been? Didn't have a that quite like yours. I was at a family event with friends shooting off fireworks. Someone knocked over one of the orders it shot right at me and blew up about 5 to 10 feet away from me. I would definitely say I have, severe trauma.
@MatthewR My hearing loss looks almost like yours on the graph except mine is at 2K and not 8K and then everything else is a normal ranges. Just my 2K drops down to 25 dB. To be honest, I don't feel like I have much hearing loss but my ear changes almost daily. Some days, my ear feels kind of clogged and pops and other days it feels fine.
@MatthewR But my hearing sensitivity has been decently bad and the tinnitus is almost constant.
The thing I'm grateful for is I can only hear it in quiet rooms but when it is quiet, it's extremely loud. Today marks three weeks for me so I am relatively early in but hopeful that it will heal completely
@NL50 You're going to be fine trust me and trust God on that. At week 3 for me I wanted to vanish this earth. It was so extremely bad. The HL, the T, and hyperacusis was too much for me to tolerate. I still have all symptoms but as I mentioned they have healed.