Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

2/3 antidepressants or anything like that. I am still mentally sound. I am just extremely sad and disappointed because of this unfortunate
illness and the lack of a cure. If I ever commit suicide one day, I want it to be known that the reason is my hearing problems, tinnitus,
and hyperacusis. In the past, the suicides of people in similar situations were recorded as due to "mental" health problems.
3/3 That's why
I want to make this statement and have it on record. In case of my death, you can check my NHS health records to verify what l've said,
and I give my full consent for this.
Neither have I. Still doctors love to gaslight us and let us know it's all anxiety
I think it would be easier on us if the line from the medical world was that this is a serious and potentially life altering condition similar in scale to losing one's hearing or a leg. And that our challenge is to learn how to live after this sudden onset disability.

Telling folks that this is predominantly a psychological condition isn't helpful.
@Juliane, It's not just doctors who do this, unfortunately. Many people, including my family, friends, and those around me, do this as well. However, before this incident, I had never experienced any problems. For this reason, I do not accept any anxiety or other related medications. If I use these medications, I would be admitting defeat and accepting gaslighting. These hearing issues are not "psychological."