Aug 30, 2022
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Due to Covid inflammation I was in the ER yesterday. While T makes me suicidal & thought many times but last night I didn't want to go yet. Sep 4, 2024

    1. crescentsky
      Due to Covid inflammation I was in the ER yesterday. While T makes me suicidal & thought many times but last night I didn't want to go yet.
    2. crescentsky
      Is mucinex safe for tinnitus? I unfortunately have covid and need to get rid of this nasty phlegm.
      1. cjbhab
        i have used it with success and i feel like i react to almost everything.
        Sep 4, 2024
    3. crescentsky
      F you covid!
      1. tpj likes this.
    4. crescentsky
      I better not be catching covid. If so, it should just kill me now.
      1. streifzug likes this.
    5. crescentsky
      this fucking high pitched screeching
      1. tpj likes this.
    6. crescentsky
      when is this going to end?
    7. crescentsky
      how do you remain hopeful when T constantly beats you down?
      1. L along the way and tpj like this.
      2. L along the way
        L along the way
        For me, it's trying to have the belief that it can actually get better with time.. but sometimes i felt just despair over this awful condition.. there seem to be no clear answers to this.. i try to have hope, a good night's rest, healthy lifestyle
        Aug 22, 2024
        crescentsky likes this.
    8. crescentsky
      T makes no sense. Such trash. No wonder why we haven't gotten a cure.
      1. gameover likes this.
    9. crescentsky
      ugh what shit is spiking this T?!?!?!?!
      1. BrOKeN_1 likes this.
    10. crescentsky
      nothing beats hearing your screaming tinnitus when you're feeling anxious about something else.
      1. Ngo13 and L along the way like this.
    11. crescentsky
      seeing how med field/healthcare is like years out, can we get the faang + gates to develop a cure for us? will pay 6 digits for a cure.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. crescentsky
        well for me, i am willing to sell everything to get rid of this shit T. My other health issues I been dealing with for 3 decades, I'll just have to make do with them & hope for the best. -shrug-
        Aug 9, 2024
      3. Juliane
        Bill Gates and Elon Musk with all their money should be forced to donate 95 percent of their fortune to health causes in general. No one needs the amount of money they have, it's obscene. They should be taxed heavily from now on and eternally..

        But instead of truly helping people they focus on stupidity like going to Mars. They should both sod off to outerspace and leave their money with some adults.
        Aug 9, 2024
        crescentsky, tpj and _Shoto_ like this.
      4. crescentsky
        @Juliane 100%! Even Buffet had said if all these billionaires pay their shares, normal people like us wouldn't have to pay so much in taxes. They get away with so much and tax so little.
        Aug 9, 2024
        tpj, _Shoto_ and Juliane like this.
    12. crescentsky
      This 24/7 shit is mentally & physically exhausting. My memory is deteriorating & barely remember what I did yesterday.
      1. tpj and streifzug like this.
    13. crescentsky
      ugh I finally discovered something worse than fireworks: loud jet airshow 120+ db the next 3 days.
      1. BrOKeN_1
        Might need to go for a loooooong walk!
        Aug 3, 2024
      2. MaxRabbit
        Close fireworks will cause damage, not the air show. For the air show stay inside and wear ear plugs and you will be fine. This is based on experience with both. My street was lit up the week of the 4th and there is the biggest air show in the world there once a year. Air show will not cause damage.
        Aug 3, 2024
    14. crescentsky
      with other issues, I can take a vacation & even pretend everything is fine. with T, how can I even pretend when I'm haunted 24/7?
      1. _Shoto_ and streifzug like this.
    15. crescentsky
      no matter how you try to explain T to non-T ppl, they will never understand and will just end up gaslighting you.
      1. 2049v, _Shoto_, ECP and 1 other person like this.
    16. gameover
      Your case is a strong evidence this shit can get terrible without noise trauma/hearing loss. Makes sense some people have no T with bad hearing loss....
      1. _Shoto_ likes this.
      2. crescentsky
        im convinced anything can trigger this shit. tho my audiologist did say my outer hair cells appear to be dysfunctional or damaged...yet normal hearing within the standard she has no idea!
        Jul 27, 2024
        _Shoto_ and gameover like this.
    17. crescentsky
      Update: heading into 29 months. T is still absolute shit. Can't even do the dishes like a normal person.
      1. tpj, aab and Sansa like this.
      2. crescentsky
        I should have known better. Can't even put a standing desk together without it spiking my T.
        Jul 27, 2024
        gameover likes this.
    18. crescentsky
      when is the T-nightmare going to shut up?! ugh this needs to be burn to the ground.
      1. tpj likes this.
    19. crescentsky
      I feel like every non-T person is gaslighting me every chance they get.
      1. gameover, weehiru and _Shoto_ like this.
    20. crescentsky
      Told a friend to wear ear plugs going to concerts. Thinks I'm crazy. I tried. Welcome to this nightmare sooner/later & be forever doomed.
      1. 2049v, _Shoto_ and tpj like this.
      2. _Shoto_
        Some people can learn only the hard way...and this is very sad
        Jul 12, 2024
        crescentsky likes this.
    21. crescentsky
      I'm convinced the universe is trying to kill me.
      1. tpj, _Shoto_ and streifzug like this.
      2. crescentsky
        I can't decide if I want to risk a 3 week travel, 24 hours each way, majority will be spent on flight, chaotic location with motorbikes and car horns and sirens, including a wedding to attend and part of the bridal party, family visits. I don't know if ear plugs are enough for all the noise exposure and I can't even wear ear plugs for long. But I haven't been home for 7 years. Fuck T!you evil shit!
        Jul 10, 2024
    22. crescentsky
      oh great, july 4th and fireworks...
      1. tpj, _Shoto_, gameover and 1 other person like this.
      2. gameover
        Yeah, they were setting off some today, I hope they loose many limbs and get T/H.
        Jun 30, 2024
    23. crescentsky
      Has T made you take better care of your health? it is the complete opposite for me. I'm terrified of doing anything to make it worse.
      1. gameover and beefling like this.
      2. RunningMan
        Actually T makes it more difficult. I can't exercise as long as I used to, can't sleep as long, and can't avoid some meds due to T.
        Jun 26, 2024
      3. gameover
        I take maybe better care of my teeth, but I wasn't too bad in that department. Otherwise no, because it killed my will to live. I don't drink alcohol, but then I drank little anyway.
        Jun 26, 2024
        crescentsky likes this.
      4. crescentsky
        Jun 26, 2024
    24. crescentsky
      I'm so run over by this shit T. I'm beyond dead& done. When this shit T leaves, I'll need 2 years off to recover.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. crescentsky
        @gameover agree, definitely will recover/feel better immediately. But I'll need two years off from work lol and recover from T-induced PTSD.Definitely not working for a year after T. I'll go and enjoy absolute freedom for a bit.
        Jun 25, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      3. RunningMan
        If T went away, hopefully my anxiety would go away as well and could sleep again but I can't be sure that T hasn't messed me up too badly that things might not go that easily. I'm willing to try!
        Jun 26, 2024
        gameover and crescentsky like this.
      4. gameover
        I'd probably leave work and completely change my life. I would still live minimalist life with minimum shit around me, quietly, around nature. Travel perhaps. Write books.
        Jun 26, 2024
        RunningMan and crescentsky like this.
    25. crescentsky
      Fuck you tinnitus, you piece of shit, ruining lives
      1. crescentsky
        it was 3 months...6..12..18..24. i no longer have hope for shit T to go away. all i want is just a quick and easy death.
        Jun 19, 2024
      2. crescentsky
        Wow. Today is just my luck. Forgot ear plugs. Assaulted left and right just trying to run everyday errands. Had to cancel take-out order, ears were in pain, and restaurant was late by 20+ mins. Ambulance, sirens, everywhere. Having T is like attached to a ticking bomb.
        Jun 19, 2024
      3. crescentsky
        You fucker. I hope you die in a ditch. Blasting your car horns at pedestrians.
        Jun 27, 2024
    26. crescentsky
      can hear this high pitch shit over everything. WHEN IS THIS ENDING DAMN
      1. streifzug, L along the way and tpj like this.
      2. crescentsky
        this better be my last life. nothing will convince me to come back.
        Jun 12, 2024
      3. Thizzle
        That’s all I be thinkin about
        Jun 12, 2024
      4. crescentsky
        this is just complete shit
        Jun 13, 2024
    27. crescentsky
      locked up in prison, can't go anywhere/do anything other than watching cat tiktoks& pandas munching on bamboo. i guess this is rest of life.
      1. Juliane, gameover, tpj and 2 others like this.
      2. streifzug
        youtube shorts forever
        Jun 6, 2024
        crescentsky and _Shoto_ like this.
      3. cjbhab
        Jun 7, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
    28. crescentsky
      I'm so exhausted. I don't know how and why I'm still alive. I don't know how long I can manage to hold up my job.
    29. crescentsky
      I need a miracle. I don't know how I'll be able to be on a flight and travel 16 hours with this shit T disease.
      1. _Shoto_ likes this.
      2. Thizzle
        How long did it take for your first T experience to heal
        Jun 3, 2024
      3. crescentsky
        @Thizzle my first T was about 10 years ago in my 20s. It came on a day after concert + flight. I don't remember much about it. Probably lasted a few days at the most? I don't remember having much of a reaction to it. It was very short lived. My current T is a mystery, probably a combination of crap events and these two shit loud tenants, but I definitely did not go to a concert.
        Jun 3, 2024
        Juliane and gameover like this.
    30. crescentsky
      1. gameover
        I would pay million bucks. Serious. Fuck, make it everything I have.
        Jun 3, 2024
        crescentsky likes this.
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    2022: April/May, Exact Timing? DK.
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    no idea, shit luck
    Status: T with H and N @ certain sounds since 2022 April/May. Cutlery sounds are the worst. On and off ear fullness and pressure. Feels like I also have somatic T.

    Timing: Exact timing? DK. Probably closer to May? April 10th was the starting pt, triggering a series of unfortunate events that eventually led to development of T (in the middle of the night). T started in right ear and turned into both ears. Started intermittent only waking up at night then chronic 24/7 around June 2022.

    Cause: No idea. A lot of things going on in April and May. Stressful time. I suspect:

    1) MAIN CAUSE: it was my new (2) tenants from hell moving in. They were loud as beep, constantly slamming doors, partying until morning, and snore like sirens. I probably got some kind of noise trauma from them. Slept for 1-3 hours a night for a good couple of months from their shenanigans. Gave me so much anxiety.

    2) Combination from the ^: a trip to a chiropractor and my whole arm was numbed and bruised after the session. Maybe caused some kind of nerve damage?

    3) Potentially a combination of no sleep, tenant-triggered pain/anxiety attacks, and loud tenants triggered some kind of ear/noise damage and body was unable to recover due to body being in flight/fight even if the noise was not rock concert level. Around the same time, I was exposed to C0vid.​