Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

I didn't realize you were so young. Sorry you have to deal with this so early in life.
@kingsfan Thank you. It definitely sucks :( Looking back, I think I've had mild T for a long time. I remember thinking "silence is so loud" when I'd go to the bathroom at night. Just sucks that it got worse very suddenly. But it brings me less anxiety these days altho I still hear it often. I was driving on the interstate a few days ago & could still hear it, not bc it's super loud but bc the pitch is so high
@kingsfan And sorry that we both have to be a part of the super fun tinnitus club
Damn, 24 sorry you're going through all this so young. I'm 37 and I'm like why did this have to happen to me but this condition sucks for anyone who gets it. I hope you still get to have a good birthday @PennyCat