Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

@tomytl, My life was going well, getting even better, and then suddenly I found myself in this hell, all of a sudden. A burden heavier than I could bear was placed on my shoulders. Maybe one day I'll start using something, I don't know right now. When this all first started, I was afraid it would come to this point, and I did everything I could to prevent it, but it's out of my hands because I'm constantly suffering.
I always tell people they should imagine to have constantly headache with no way to stop it…. and I think that's a good comparisson for someone who can't imagine condotions like ours with constant disconfort.
@tomytl, I'm trying to take back control, but it keeps slipping through my fingers; I just can't grasp it. I don't know how these past 4 months went by—it's like my life collapsed around me. My sense of reality has been distorted. I still feel like I'm in a dream. It feels like none of this would have happened if I had received early treatment.
the same here, 3 monthes ago my life was brilliant, even with the hearing damage from 2003.
I just can't believe i'm back in this loop of discomfort
same here July, August, Septembre just passed by, everything feels so sureal, like I am closed in or closed out. It's like another timeline, where others just can enjoy life and have a good time. It makes me so depressed.
@tomytl, I thought I was the only one feeling like this.
no, I don't think we are the only ones. I guess most of people looking for relief will land here, because it's very supportive this place. Sometimes it shows the hard reality of all this ear problems, but sometimes there is also hope and most important, people who know about what we are talking. I agree 1000%, ears and what you mean to can hear well isn't well educated.
If you are in school, you see the dentist, you might check the eyes by a doctor, but ears aren't a subject covered in school or elsewhere. It's also not promoted on TV, I never saw a campain saying "protect your ears", do this do that in case of. This is really strange by an organ who has absolutely no approved medical treatment ready.
@tomytl, But what I do know is that it's definitely not as common as people with tinnitus might think. Some people think this way because when patients visit doctors for various reasons and mention they have tinnitus, the doctors sometimes don't know, sometimes don't understand, and sometimes don't take it seriously. What I'm referring to is constant, hardcore tinnitus.
Today my T gains like crazy for no reason, then I get headache from it and some pain around the left ear, sometimes hearing like through some glued ears.
I am so desperated, will I every live a comfortable live?
You may ask the same too.
This morning I woke up with some completely cramped wrists, which was very strange…
@tomytl, can you see any improvements at all?
I would say I thought there are improvements last week, but for now, everything feels like stiff around my ears, horrible dynamic and the T is louder than ever before.
Maybe I improved a little with hearing, more selective perception. But all in all, it's a living horror.
And you? I hope that you could improve a little.
Something I had before the last setback was this pressure problem in the left ear, it's like some machanical damage in my ear, maybe the bones or the ear drum or the eustachian tube. No ENT could find something, I also have been in the CT for this. But after the setback it's much more present and drives me crazy.
if there is no improvement in the next 3 monthes, I need to try something with hearing aids. Not primarly for understanding people, but to give a little more dynamic in hearing... and in the night I could switch to the Noiser.
Signia Silk IX recharchable wouild look interesting. But to tell you the truth, I am afraid of beeing dependent on a device like this
this night was horrible, I couldn't sleep 1 minute, i don't know what pushed the sensation so much
@tomytl, I understand very well what you're trying to say. If you're in a situation where you would benefit from a hearing aid, it's best not to delay because I'm in a large hearing support group, and people share the same opinion: "We wish we hadn't postponed using the device for so long." You've probably heard this before, but I just wanted to say it anyway.
@tomytl, Can't the doctors find any reason? I probably won't be that lucky either. Most likely, I'll be examined by a single, inadequate ENT specialist. Honestly, I have no expectations.Do doctors not even know what might be causing your ear issues, or what needs to be done?
Yes I heard this before concerning waiting too long for hearing aids. But in 2014 I already tested one, a Phonak Nano CIC device, in one way it was good, the other way it was mostly too loud and therefore it triggered my Hyperacusis and T badly at this time, so I gave them back and lived 10 more years good without… but yes, it might be better earlier
The problem with the inner ear issues are, that there aren't any profen treatment available. First time I got all from Cortisone to Oxygen and vitamins some other stuff.
But nothing really worked. It changed over the years to the better until the fucking setback in 2014.
@tomytl, If I were in your place, I would try different hearing aids and start using a good one regularly if there is one. In some countries, there is something like a free trial period; I don't know if there is such a thing in Switzerland, but it could be worth researching. I hope everything goes well for you, my friend. I'm still struggling too.