Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

But do you still have contact to your ex-gf? I hope she is helping you a bit. It shouldn't be 0 or 1 in your situation.
I would feel very bad, let you with all this things alone. I hope you still can talk with her.
My ears are doing crazy... I feel, that I get everyday less happy in my life...My quality of life is very impacted, but I don't have
to tell you this, you are in a far more difficult situation with all additional problems like finding a room and and and ...
Why didn't you get a contract? I guess you are living by someone, right.
And I hope, that your ears will improve next, but for this you might need some rest first.
@tomytl, No, I almost never talk to her. The landlords don't want to deal with the contract; unfortunately, they're only interested in the money they'll get. Even after I move out of this room, my problem isn't solved—it just gets more complicated, because I need to find a place with a contract as soon as possible. I'm trying to escape from this nightmare.
ok, I see, they are interested in black money...ohh man, I wish I could help in a way, this really sucks.
My business is also very poor at the moment, the last 4 monthes I wasn't able to aquire some well projects, I am just
hollowed out... feel sometimes like a hull of a inexistent person, that's absolutely not me.
I was such a happy guy the last years, I can't believe what happend .....
@tomytl, Isn't there even a slight improvement or any change in your situation?
Sometimes, pressure in the ear is a little better, but it doesn't last long. If pressure is less, the T is more present.
And I guess, left I have bigger hearing loss... all in all, it's a big mess and I never feel good since this event happend.
Absolutely weird.
@tomytl, have you done a hearing test after the incident? Was there any change in your hearing?
Yes I did, left is about 20% more loss, but there is a conductove component, this is something nobody know what causes this.
@tomytl, 20 percent more loss caused by the last incident?
yes, it seem so, but this is more a conductive problem, something with pressure, if I clear it up, more decibel is coming in, but it doesn't last long and the ENT can't see and measure anything…
But if I equalize the pressure, I hear it 2-3 times crakling…
So there is something in the middle ear…
@tomytl, do you think it's treatable or it's already gone :(
No ENT could find the cause of it, maybe it's an odd behavior due my inner ear hearing loss, which does trigger some weird behavior.
How is your condition?
@tomytl, My ears are still the same. My desire to die remains just as strong. I found a place that doesn't require a contract, but I urgently need to move to a contracted place; otherwise, I'll lose my assistance. The new place is terrible, everything is broken. The window is shattered, and the room is freezing.
The space is tiny, and nine people stay in this small area. They're all Brazilian, and I'm the only foreigner. They're toxic. I can't even cook in the house. It's disgusting and filthy. I buy cheap food from outside, but this isn't sustainable.
I'm applying to part-time jobs. My knees and surgery site are getting worse. I need to find a contracted place, so I'm looking for work, but I'll be taking on a physical job when my health is already in a bad state. There's no regard for human rights.
I live in constant torment and suffering. It feels like hell on earth. The conditions are unbearable.
Shit, I hope you find very quickly a place somewhere with nice people where you can rest and relax! Why is the world so chaotic and cold in such situations when you need exactly the opposite?
I'm working too much at the moment, sleep just a little, must aquire some new jobs, the last four much I just couldn't.
My brain is very burned out, I also forget or can't keep some stuff in my memory.
I had to experience how unfair and cruel the world is, going through unbearable suffering. For the first time in my life, when I truly needed help and support, I lost my home, my relationship, and my health. I still need surgery and have to work a part-time job in pain because otherwise, I can't afford a place to stay.