Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Yep. It's louder than my A/C, masking noises, and fan. No one seems to understand that I don't think anymore, there is only noise in my head.
@Pinhead, Have you been taking something to "manage" it? I don't know what's gonna happen to me man. I want to kill myself every single day.
No. Nothing works. My doctors say I should be on an antidepressant, but I can't risk this getting any louder.
@Pinhead, do you only have tinnitus or anything else? How long have you been dealing with this?
Four years. Catastrophic multitone reactive tinnitus with intermittent hyperacusis.
No clue. Started randomly one day.
@Pinhead, I can't believe how yours is that severe man, wtf honestly. No NIHL, no acustic trauma etc. but you're saying that it's the severe type. I have one of the most severe ones in the world and caused by acustic trauma, so no surprise.
Yes. It began out of the blue as I sat eating lunch at home one day and has slowly worsened since.
@Pinhead, fucking hell man, can't imagine that. Have you had any relief at all at some point? Have you been diagnosed with something?
No doctors have been able to give me any guidance. I'm not sure what is going on. It's just been pure hell.