Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Feel the exact same way. Many of us do.
@tpj, could be but I don't thinks it's that many. Because i swear on my family and everything if the T community had many sufferers like me, we would see tens of suicides every week, I swear. If I knew that I could kill myself without failure I would do it right now.
@2049v, but you said it yourself; you don't want to die yet. For me, it's the feeling of both wanting to live and wanting to die.
@tpj, I'm only holding on because of the people I'll leave behind who will miss me and be destroyed about my suicide and even then, I'm struggling. Sometimes bad thoughts cross my mind but I haven't made any attempts yet. However if I do make the decision, no one will be able to stop me because by the time they know I'll already be gone.
I'm sorry you're suffering so much. I really hope things will improve for you.
@tpj, what was the cause of yours?
@2049v, don't know for sure, but I think it was cumulative noise exposure over the years. Concerts, nightclubs, regular earbud use. And of course, shitty genes and bad luck.
@tpj, you don't have a severe type, right?
No, it's severe. I also have hyperacusis. I'm mostly housebound these days.
@tpj, I'm also a victim of earbuds. Unfortunately, before this incident, I didn't know that loud noise could lead to such an illness, so I never paid attention to it. The last time, I listened to music at an extremely high volume one night, and the next morning I woke up, and my life was over. I have one of the worst cases of tinnitus in the world.
@2049v As with many of your posts, you speak from my heart. I have often described this condition here as a vacuum or stalemate. You are paralyzed and can't move forward or back. It's unreal and yet so shockingly true. A paradox that defies all laws of nature and your own imagination.