Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

No I am not. I can't remember how long I took that for, but I thought right in the beginning of taking it that there was some improvement, but then no change/benefit/improvement continued so I stopped it.
She stopped a long time ago. If you are looking for treatment, view the Neuromed thread.
@Nick47 im just kind of thrown off when it comes to Topamax. Anything I read on here or Reddit is mainly pointing toward Topamax causing T or increasing it for migraine sufferers. Some say did nothing for T, but have yet to come across substantial evidence of Topamax helping T.
@ErikaS I'm just looking to treat the hyperacusis. Did you get any loudness hyperacusis or pain?
@Nick47 When I am in a spike, louder noises bother me more but I feel that is more me trying to protect and fearing loud noises. Other than that, no loudness hyperacusis or pain. Just the every fluctuating multi sound reactive tinnitus.
Does it go crazy to certain sounds and then back to baseline. Like the kettle, fan, frying pan etc @ErikaS
It used to react to frying pan but not that so much anymore.. it reacts or is irritated by fans, air conditioners, the TV/phone audio, driving, deep thinking, stress, moving around the house doing chores (blood pumping) @Nick47
@Nick47 And when it does this, it turns into such a high frequency sound that I can almost not hear it, but I feel it in my ears. Then when I go to sit on the couch, the high frequency and energy that I can literally feel in my ears currently takes about 45 minutes to a hour come back to my current spiked baseline of multiple sounds.
@ErikaS can you listen to music on your phone, radio? The TV? Use the laptop?