Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Thanks @Zigs , I am actively looking into remote work. I fortunately have never dealt with loudness or pain hyperacusis, its the very sensitive reactivity and crazy tones that do not like the stress of my job and some of the noise. Honestly the stress is worse than the noise at this point! Working in schools post Coivd is a nightmare, especially special education.
Sorry to be doom and gloom but until 2 months ago I had never experienced pain either. I pushed it and pushed it for a year and now I wish I'd been signed off back when this all kicked off
We are all different, but I don't think its a good idea to quit work all together. But you need a type of job that gives you that needed flexibility. I did start my own company during my worst period, and still managed to get through. After that was up and running, I've adjusted my work load in such a way that if I want a day or 2 off, I can. I prioritize my health whenever needed. Its all about the right balance.
I appreciate the caution <3. Please list below all of your current symptoms and what is debilitating you the most. I see you said you felt you were making some progress, in what area was that?