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The "morse code" type of t usually calms down eventually, but not in a state of fight of flight when the level of anxiety often is sky high. This is my own personal experience @Zigs as I've had several bouts with this. And it always gotten better for me. Although a slow process, and it will take a lot. Long car rides can trigger things like this, yes.
@Zigs I have to echo @MindOverMatter .. Any morse code beeps I have gotten come in times of high stress and spikes. So you can bet I hear my intermittent lower tone morse code in my left ear these days! Honestly compared to my other sounds its not as annoying because it is always lower tone/frequency and is at least consistent in sound and presentation...
@Zigs During times when I was stable, not spiked, I truly never really heard it. But as soon as my stress would rise, or get sick, it would show its face. Its hanging around a lot longer these days, all because of work. I know it is hard, but try to label it as a tone that will notably lessen when your brain wants to fixate on it and stress over it.
@ErikaS Spot on. We have a very similar understanding and experience with this. Funny thing though, you just had a course of doxycycline, right? 2 weeks? I had it at the same time as you and had a major spike - probably due to the combo weakened immune system and some harsh sound exposure during the course. Lasted a couple of weeks +.
@MindOverMatter it was about a year ago that I went on Doxy for about 11-12 days following tick bite, was able to stop as soon as I found out tick was negative for all tested diseases and coinfections. I remember the Doxy spiking me for sure, but cannot recall how long it took to calm after. Maybe 2 weeks tops?
@MindOverMatter I am struggling. I have been in my current spike for 7 weeks now, and I am starting to fear that the longer it stays, and if I keep going to work every day and endure the stresses and sounds, the more likely this will become my new baseline...
@MindOverMatter If I could stop working tomorrow and tend to this for at least 2 months with mental and auditory rest, reset, and restore, I feel it could improve. From your spike experiences, do you think this still has a chance to calm down if I can make adjustments soon?
Hmm. It went away after three awful days but I've woken up this morning and it's back and I wasn't particularly stressed at all and haven't really done anything. Wish I knew the cause. @Erika you sound like me just over a year ago and I wish so much that I'd taken sick leave and stayed off for a couple of months. Do it!
Ugh sorry it's being so inconsistent @Zigs ! It can do that though, the brain and its shifts day by day can cause the smallest shifts in what we hear sometimes, especially if our T is in a spike or unstable state.
@Zigs my most intrusive and severe sound came after wearing ear protection. Basic musician ear plugs that look like little screws. Well they "screwed" me with occlusion effect and too much for my nerves in my ears. I had this sound before and it went away, but it's even more prominent now. Not sure I'll be so lucky this time around for it to go away, especially while working.
@Zigs I spoke with my psych today and I am going to try Trileptal again (oxcarbazepine). I only took it for very short time and at such low dose, and after reviewing it with my psych and looking it up I definitely want to try again..