Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

I summarized the migraine protocol for him. Although he liked to comprehensive approach, he was wary about Nortriptyline and Topamax with their said success in the trials due to "these drugs being so frequently prescribed and used, if they really helped with these auditory symptoms, you would think we would have much more real world anecdotal evidence"..
I felt better about trying this anti-convulsant again at higher levels and for longer period due to very low side effect profile as compared to the two mentioned above. Will update as I take it.
Im thinking of doing the same. I can't find any bad reviews on it, like other AE.
Will you be taking 150 twice a day then? Thats still pretty low.
Please update us. Thanks!
@grate_biff i am actually taking 300mg at night and scheduled to be on this for 3 weeks then reassess! It's safe to try- it did not worsen me when I took it before and things like Augmentin and Doxy spike me, even gabapentin spiked me I feel like..
@grate_biff interesting thing happened today though.. I had an ENT appointment and, thankfully, I have an ENT who is very sympathetic toward my condition and wants to try to help in any way, he even did intradermal lidocaine shots in my ear canal after I sent him studies..
@grate_biff anyway, after telling him about the Dr Hamid migraine protocol, he wants me to try a sample of Nurtec this weekend, which is a CGRP inhibitor. He knows both nortriptyline and Topamax and was wary about the use of them, especially together, just as my psych was..