Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Joshua Macleod
(1/2) Hello mate, sorry to hear that you're dealing with nox.

My nox is almost completely gone, thankfully. The little bit I have left is idiopathic, but tolerable. I stopped using headphones, kept digital audio from TVs/phones/monitors to below approx. 60 db, and wore plugs in noisy environments for about a year. I do wonder (though of course don't know) if I overprotected to the point of delaying recovery.
Joshua Macleod
(2/2) I wish I could give recommendations, but I'm in no position to do so and would dread giving poor advice and exacerbating your symptoms. Hopefully you can take some comfort in knowing nox does seem to improve in a great many cases.

Reach out to me whenever you need it, I'm all ears (maybe with plugs in...).
i have a girlfriend and i dont want to lose over tinnituıs-reactive tinnitus-and nox although nox seems to be mild right now but i am scared as hell also during that period i developed visual snow syndrome. I am pushing for my family. Its been only 3 months but felt like 3 years. All of them caused by a medication called methylprednisolone which i used for my loudness h(was very mild) i got scared of nox that time.
Joshua Macleod
Of course, I get that - my partner was very supportive during the worst of the nox for me, even though her and I would attend gigs frequently before that. It must be very difficult for them too, even though they're not enduring the symptoms we are.
Joshua Macleod
only 3 months but felt like 3 years
I can really relate to that. I would check this website every hour, and otherwise just sit in as close to silence as I could. I'm sorry you're having to go through this too.
but whatever happens i have to hold on for my loved ones right? It can improve only god knows but time can heal me i am only 29
Joshua Macleod
@delta784 Hold on for you, your family, and for a future free of nox. Mine started around the same age, aptly. Keep pushing through, mate - reach out to us as and when you need it.
i wish to not have tinnitus with this one i could sit in silence for years to heal with tinnitus and reactive t its killer man :/
Joshua Macleod
I feel that @delta784. My T is so unbelievably loud, and at the height of the nox I felt like I couldn't win no matter what I did.

How's the nox been over the last few days?
Stabbing pain receeded %50 but burning still there what bothers me is tinnitus ok if you erase my t completely and tell me to sit in silence or protect rest of my life i will agree with that %100 or maybe im talking like that im still not severe at all. Little bit individual question but are you together with your partner is this doable?