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  • Had to raise my voice for 2 sentences at the glass screened bank counter. Now i'm left with a painfull left ear.
    Because I couldn't handle the pain and burning sensations I took Tramadol. Of course this doesn't decrease tinnitus but it's been 2 days now and the burning isn't intense as usual. H is also still very bad.
    A severe tinnitus / noxacusis patient has 2 options. Euthanasia or torture for the rest of his life.
    Terrible night, intensive fireworks for over 1 hour. I'm a wreck. T raging, earpain and migraine. Happy New Year.
    The only way to cope with T is to get your mind of it. But this is getting extremely difficult when your T it has become physical pain, with symptoms like burning ears, facial/skull sensations and migraines. Because I don't want to take painkillers every day I found ginger shots help me coping with the migraines.
    As I'm working with AI lately and it amazes me every day I'm building hope scientific research using AI might help solving tinnitus and hyperacusis sooner than expected. 🤞
    Seems i'm sentenced to take gabapentine on a daily basis. If I don't T is much more electrical/static and my ear channels burn. Resulting in a permanent headache. It sucks
    Something simple like buying a new pair of shoes now has become a real challenge. Not sure if I won't to visit a shop.
    Because T is on the edge of the damaged frequenties (possible interaction inner and outer HC's?) my hope is eventually T will reduce because more HC's die due to aging. Maybe I'm at peak T. At least I still have hope.
    I avoid speaking because it elevates my T. My voice isn't used to speaking anymore, it starts cracking after a conversation of 15' at normal levels. Yesterday I had a 45' conversation one to one and T is blasting so loud it hurts, left side of my head feels numb.
    Waking up with burning ears and going to sleep with even more intens burning ears. It's a constant torture. Really wouldn't mind not waking up.
    Never thought I would need a peltor to fill the coffee machine with coffee beans. Yes, I drink coffee. Coffee is great with a Belgian waffle, at least there is still something I can enjoy.
    Waking up is terrible and I need to get out of bed asap because otherwise bad thoughts run through my mind.
    I'm self employed and have to explain customers they cannot visit me at my office and I cannot speak to them on the phone...
    A partially gas filled eye is "fun", you are a walking spirit level and can see your heartbeat (vibrating surface).
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