Kristian M Aug 18, 2016 hi, i know i'm very late in the process (7 weeks) but is there any chance steroids can help me still and how does it work?? best regards
hi, i know i'm very late in the process (7 weeks) but is there any chance steroids can help me still and how does it work?? best regards
Kristian M Aug 1, 2016 Getting better! But I sure as hell need some solutions on how I can start attending parties again... mmh??
Getting better! But I sure as hell need some solutions on how I can start attending parties again... mmh??
Kristian M Jul 20, 2016 suicidal thoughts... im so alone.. i just graduated and all my friends out drinking having fun.. crying myself to sleep and lonely
suicidal thoughts... im so alone.. i just graduated and all my friends out drinking having fun.. crying myself to sleep and lonely