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  • And also someone who deals with hearing and balance next week. I just don't know what to do anymore with it I was wondering if you have ever experienced his at all
    Hi nice to meet you. How are you feeling ? I hope your well. I was wondering if you know anything about ear fullness? I have been having this for a while now and is distressing day in and day out had mri/mra and seen 2 ent consultants due to see another on Friday
    I have been suffering with fulness in my ears and a numb feeling with tinnitus at nigt and a pulsating in my ears to. Have you ever experienced this at all and how are you getting on now with your health?
    Hello Im new on here. I was wondering if you know anything about ear fullness and a numb feeling in the ears with tinnitus thank you for reading this
    Hey, can you help me clear up some stuff with my membership? I had to rejoin because apparently I did not use any of my normal user names back in 2016. I filled out the app survey sent to my old member email but supplied my new member id when it was requested. Thanks.
    Just curious if you still ride your road bike and if you've seen any long term consequences from wind noise? Short term spikes I would expect. Thanks for all your posts, very helpful stuff.
    Hi Fidel I do still ride (not so much my road bike anymore) several mountain bikes, powerful electric bikes at highs speeds and electric motorcycle. I have really seen no change in my overall T but I do almost always get a spike from all of them for a while. It eventually settles down.
    Ok. I'm looking at a pair of Cat-Ears. From that site, the data shows that the highest SPL's are in the lower freqs not the higher. My T is in the 5-6k range.
    Worth investigating. I'm hoping this works out as I am a competitive road cyclist and 2-3hr rides at 18-20mph aren't odd for me. Not much data out there.
    Keep me updated!
    , I have 7 brothers and 4 of us have it now one has had for about 20 years I had it for 16 months another one got it about 4 months ago and the other 1 month ago , don't know what is causing it, don't know if parents had it they both have pass on already , do you think genetic , my t I believe was self induce listening to music on my tablet , they say it could go away don't know.
    There is no concrete proof that it is hereditary but from my experience I believe it can be. It tends to run in families. There is always a possibility it can go away but it seems the longer you have it the more likely it will not just go away
    Hey eric it's Ron how are you doing
    Hi Ron, I am doing pretty good. Been busy with work. I have a full time job, a part time job and a new business venture. It least it keeps me from thinking about my T. How are you doing?
    Hi everyone just joined the group I have been working on several ways to quite down my ringing
    in my left ear. I teach Tai Chi and find that the relaxing part of Tai Chi can help, also being a musician
    as keyboard I have had some relief from sounds of pitch my pitch is b then I transpose 10 octave high
    to get the correct pitch as my Tinnitus.
    continued from previous post.
    I visit 3 ENT and audiologist and i had conductive hearing lost. 6 weeks later my hearing had return to normal but my eardrum has not healed. 2 months ringing still here.
    Hi Missy. Sorry you are going through such a bad spell. Give your body time to heal. 2 months is still very early with ringing and tinnitus. With all the stress your ears underwent, they may need more time.
    thanks for your kinds words... this is driving me insane . I don't know what to do. my eardrum is still ruptured and im praying that tinnitus stop when eardrum heals... any suggestions? I have no other complication or symptoms. should I take any vitamins? I'm scared to take prescription drugs because I'm thinking Bactrim contributed to the ringing
    3 weeks before tinnitus I was hit to my left ear and face. everything had seem normal . I got on a plane 3 days after. A few days later I had fullness in my left ear and visit the ER and was told I had perforated my eardrum.I was given 7days Bactrim DS in case of infection. Tinnitus begin after drugs.
    Hi Erik,
    I've had tinnitus for about 3 months now most likely due to hearing loss in the high frequencies. the first month was bad then the 2nd much better but now im having more tones and spikes more often as well so I don't know what to do because I don't think im doing anything wrong it just happening and is harder to cope with it.
    However, I was thinking taking magnesium. Any advise on what type , the brand and the dosage? thanks for your help!!
    Hi Rod. You are likely going thru a bad spell, a set back. Happens to us all from time to time. Don't fret. Just stay positive and keep moving forward. You are doing great even if you don't think so at this moment.
    @erik thanks for the support!!. Any advises on supplements? i've read magnesium seems to work for some. you know what type is the most effective?
    Due to delay in getting a confirmation email, I accidentally opened two accounts. Can you delete one?

    Also, related? I am getting a (useless) error message when adding an Avatar.
    Hi HKT, that shouldn't be an issue. Try again
    Due to delay in getting a confirmation email, I accidentally opened two accounts. Can you delete one?

    Also, related? I am getting a (useless) error message when adding an Avatar.
    Hi! Do you have any knowledge regarding hearing aids for tinntus? I'm about to spend a lot of money...& trade vanity for sanity! I am wondering if you know of any cases where this device took the ringing away? Thank you!
    Hi Liz

    As far as I know, no - hearing aids will not take the ringing away. What they can do is help relieve tinnitus especially if it is caused by hearing loss, by allowing you to hear sounds better thus making the tinnitus seem lower because can hear more sound. Some of the newer hearing aids have sound generators in them to help mask tinnitus.
    I feel like my body is adapting to this stuff way too fast. I want to try valerian root but fear the dangers the interaction between benzos and valerian.

    Any advice would help man.
    I come down with T in the past weeks and I am trying really hard to cope. I read one of your early post on Google about in your T onset you used ativan. I am on it now But use it only sparingly. It was prescribed for ibs. But since T, it seems like i need it more often. Prescribed to me on 2/15 and have only used 7-8. 1mg. was up till 3:34 and it was my only option. I took a 1mg tablet and slept for 2hours,
    Thanks Erik. What meds did you try in the beginning? I am currently on lexapro for anxiety/depression and ambien to sleep
    Mike D
    Oh, and would a mag supplement help right now with H?
    Hi Erik. I am new to the entire world of T and recently H (UGH). I have been reading many posts on this site for a couple months and a lot of them give hope. I have read a bunch of things you and Billie48 have written that seems to be the way to go about being positive and giving myself time to heal.
    Mike D
    I got all of this from traumatic stress and anxiety and dont think it was from a loud noise. Im currently in therapy with a psychologist, psychiatrist who prescribed Lexapro and Trazadone for anxiety and sleep.
    Mike D
    She seems to think that because of my extreme stress, anxiety, and sleep deprivation from the emotional trauma i went through and obsessing with T that it got worse and I noticed H coming on gradually during this period. Ive had this for a little over 2 months. Any advice, help, or positive comments are welcomed. I dont know why I am asking you all this, you just seemed like the right guy. :)
    Hey Mike D....hang in there. Yes stress, anxiety and all that will make your tinnitus and H -100x worse than it really is. Get your stress and anxiety under control and your T and H will be better.
    Erik, I got tinnitus from a concert I went to 6 days ago, do you think it will go away? It has decreased in time, but it may be because of the pills I've taken (Magnesium, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, NAC).
    Hopefully I can become a doctor and cure this. I can't imagine living my life like this. One week is bad enough.
    Have you ever forgotten that you even had it? I remember waking up happy and normal, and then my tinnitus started to kick in. My hyperacusis made it worse, but I think it's getting way better now.
    I had a VERY MILD case of tinnitus since January 2015. I could only hear it if it was quiet and my right ear was on the pillow. I don't know if I can go back to that. That was the best case of tinnitus a man could dream of.
    Hi erik. I went to a bowling lane place for a birthday party saturday and my normally manageable T has splked since then. I'm at a loss at how to deal with it until it settles back down. Do you have NY suggestions. Have hadT and H for 4.5 years. Appreciate it. Rose
    Hi Rose. The best thing you can do is to know that spikes are temporary and will calm down in time. Bowling alley is highly unlikely to cause any damage to make it worse. I bowl occasionally and it causes me to spike too but always returns in a day or so. I suspect it will for you also. I just got over 2 week spike today, so sometimes it does take a little longer.
    Hey Eric, how much magnesium do you take before and after extreme noise exposure. I'm thinking of making this a regular thing every two weeks when I go to a concert/ club.
    Hi Erik, Saw your earlier post on the Serenade device for $975. Can you tell me who the provider was and/or contact info. Thanks.
    I got it from a local clinic in my city but that was several years ago.
    Hi Erik,

    I am a graduate student from the Dallas/FW area and working with participants with tinnitus who are younger than 35 years. I am looking for research participants who are in the area and would like to participate in a research study. Please let me know if there is anyone you may know who would be interested.

    thank you very much
    Hi Anusha

    I see you posted a thread about this already. Can you answer some of the questions that Markku had on your thread so others can see it and decide if they want to participate or not?
    hello erik! how are you? I'm doing better these days with less panic attacks...still have set backs but not as bad as at the beginning! how are you theses days?
    Hi Rina! I am doing ok. I am glad to hear you are having less panic attacks. Mine took several months to completely go away (thankfully!) so I am happy you are on the same path. Stay strong!
    Hi Erik, New here. Tinnitus 1 years. Want to attend a concert next year but has an opening band so might be in loud music for at least 3 hours. Is there added protection wearing both foam plugs and muffs? What about time spent in loud music?
    Can you just skip the opening band to limit your exposure time? Get some good 33db foam plugs and you should be ok. Stand near the back and not close to speakers. Take some Magnesium and NAC 2-3 days before and after. Muffs would add protection but then you probably couldn't hear anything
    I thought of skipping the opening band but it is general admission (no assigned seats) so I probably will be stuck in the back when the band I want to see plays. Yeah I guess the back of the venue is the only safe place for me. Long gone are the days of rushing to the front of the stage. :) Thanks for the suggestions about the magnesium and NAC. I want to hear the band but mostly want to see them.
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