Michael Leigh

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  • Michael, thank you for your lengthy article. It was incredibly informative. I know you advise against listening to music on headphones but what about podcasts and cell calls? In other words, voice only content thru headphones or ear buds?

    My tinnitus was from loud noises.
    Michael Leigh
    Hi Calmwaves. Thank you for your kind comments. My advice is the same. I don't advise anyone to listen to any type of audio through headphones if their tinnitus was caused by loud noise. Even though it is just voice, I believe there is still a risk of making your tinnitus worse.
    Take care
    Hi, i've seen a few posts of yours about the damage headphones can do to T. My question is would this still apply to tinnitus that's not noise-induced (i.e. theres no hearing loss present)- trying to decide whether it's safe to wear headphones for the hour I am at the gym without worsening my T. Thanks.
    Michael Leigh
    I don't quite follow you. If you mean that your tinnitus was caused by loud noise but you don't have any hearing loss? This is not unusual and I don't advise using headphones even at low volume. If you have tinnitus that wasn't caused by loud noise. Then you are probably okay to use headphones, but I still advise caution.

    No mine is not noise induced, thanks for the fast response! People like yourself are a great help
    Learning to have a positive attitude to life is one of the best ways to overcoming tinnitus. It takes time but can be achieved.
    Michael Leigh
    Read members messages on the "positivity thread" in this forum. That way you will know that other people have been through what you're now experiencing. They came through it and you will too.
    i made stupid mistakes in my life exposing my self to loud noise, now i am paying a hefty price for it. I wish i knew about this all earlier. I look at those stories but I know deep inside that I am not that "lucky", we all have different T/H and no one person is the same. I guess some hope still lingers..but for how long will that be.
    Michael Leigh
    Thank you for your kind words. I cannot find a way to send you a PM...
    Michael Leigh
    Please click on my Avatar/picture. Then choose: start conversation. A box will show up and you should be able to reply to me. Alternatively you can type your email here if you wish.
    It's strange, I don't have the command you say. I'll write my email here: verdefoglia79@gmail.com. Thank you very much for your support!!!
    Michael Leigh
    Okay. I will send the articles within the next 15mins.
    Hello Michael, my name is Mario and I'm new to the talk forum. I've been reading your posts with great interest and I find them to be extremely informative. You are very knowledgeable and I appreciate your willingness to share your experiences and knowledge. Thank you.
    Michael Leigh
    Hi Mario.
    Thank you for your kind comments they are much appreciated.
    Hope you start to feel better soon
    Hey man, I've never written to you personally, but I just wanted to let you know, alot of your information and writings have helped immensely in these past few months. Thank you for all you do.
    Michael Leigh
    Thank you for your kind words and for taking time out to tell me. It is much appreciated. All the best Michael
    Hi TheDanishGirl, As long as you can hear your tinnitus above the sound enrichment that will be fine. I can only type 140 in this message box.
    Hi Michael - I really value your knowledge ad experience and i have a q, you have said that sound enrichment should be set just below tinnitus, but i have to turn up the sounds somewhat loud if i am only to hear my T a little and my H does not like that :/ what do you recommend?
    Hi Michael - I have a question, i have been using sound enrichment every night for the past month as advised, and now i have some days where my H is a little better and other days like today where it is back to "normal" (oddly enough my T is a little milder today), is it sign that my H is improving? How long before i will get a more significant reduction overall? a year?
    Michael Leigh
    Hi TheDanishGirl, I have sent you a PM as this comment box will only allow 400 words
    Hey Michael. I really need some advice on how to deal with T immediately. I haven't slept in a good 3 days after my tinnitus got 10 times worse over the weekend. I've tried white noise from my phone but the ringing just seems to get louder. I do have a doctors appointment tomorrow. Anything I should say specifically to get results? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Hi Michael need your help kicking myself on how I got to tinnitus and hearing loss. All earphone use. How do I forgive myself?
    Hi Michael
    This Forum and Your page has given me hope .I am new to this ,since Christmas i have blocked eustation tubes and sadly reactive tinnitus. I am hoping it will get less over time.I am having to put headphones on everytime i watch TV or use the laptop would you say this is a good thing or not. I have the sound just below my T
    Thank you
    Hi Michael -
    sawyour post about the sound therapy - and about using it at night to reduce H - can you recommend a specific machine or device? what is the most simple way to do it? do I need to listen to it with headphones?

    thank you
    Hello. Thank you for all your help in this forum. I was reading some of your messages but couldn't find a way to private message you. I was reading your thread about headphones and not using them for listening to music. I was just wondering about your opinion on using headphones for talking. I'm on my cell a lot, do you think headphones are OK for taking on the cellphone? Thanks!!
    Michael Leigh
    HI. Thank you for your kind words. I have sent you a message by starting a conversation as my reply is too long for this comment box so I will make this brief: If you use your cell phone a lot, I recommend you use "Hands free" and not use a headphone. Hope this helps. Michael
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