Rick Garner

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  • E
    Hi Rick,

    I have T since 1,5 months my ent diagnoses me wish ETD. I am worried because even wen i can pop my ears sometimes (my ears still feel clogged, but mess) i can Still hear my T as before.
    Was that also your case ?
    • E


    Also, what was the nature of your spikes ?
    Rick Garner
    1.5 months is way too short period to clear up tinnitus. You have to give it a lot of time, may be 6 to 12 months or even longer. For some people it takes 18 to 24 months to clear up. In my case, my tinnitus just became a hiss after 3 months, and continued for another 3 months, I never had spikes. It went away after 6 months . Your tinnitus may go away or may not. But you will get used to it in the long run.
    Rick Garner
    I am sorry for your suffering. Just hang in there , and have positive hopes.
    Hi! I have read your story and know you were diagnosed with ETD. My T is not ETD caused, but seven days ago my ears started cracking everytime I swallow, and my ears feel full (but my hearing is not affected). Did you had those symptoms?
    Rick Garner
    Hello! I am sorry for your suffering. Not really but I had decreased hearing in my left ear due to ear wax build up.
    I have exactly this as well. Did you ever find a solution or reason?
    Okey i will read it I would just like to know is your tinnitus completely gone ? No ringing , no hissing and do you smoke cigs sorry just curious
    Rick Garner
    Yes, I don't hear anything in my ears, complete silence. I don't smoke, never have but I am a diabetic.
    Hi rick i just wanted to know how long it took your tinnitus to go away and if you also had the hissing along with yhe ringing and did you also expirience spikes ?
    Rick Garner
    Hi Elbert, It took 5 and a half months to stop my tinnitus. , I actually had hissing and high pitched tone, not ringing. I advice you to read my thread in success stories section, and I have written the full story there. Your tinnitus is so new, hang in there. I guarantee it will get better after 3~ 4 months.
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