Apolonia Jul 27, 2018 You are all wrong. there is no TMJ. Hyperacusis is the cause of the pain in the jaw and facial pain... It is the inner ear not TMJ.
You are all wrong. there is no TMJ. Hyperacusis is the cause of the pain in the jaw and facial pain... It is the inner ear not TMJ.
Apolonia Jul 25, 2018 So, my strong H is officially back today... :/ Wearing earplugs again. I knew I shouldn't be exposed to a strong wind. :/
So, my strong H is officially back today... :/ Wearing earplugs again. I knew I shouldn't be exposed to a strong wind. :/
Apolonia Jul 24, 2018 So, I Just realized I can't Hear People talking over a sound of bags or anything else I am doing, even water running or washing machines
So, I Just realized I can't Hear People talking over a sound of bags or anything else I am doing, even water running or washing machines
Apolonia Jul 10, 2018 OMG I am freaking out. I know what I have now. I have this endolymphatic hydrops thing. Is there a cure for this?
OMG I am freaking out. I know what I have now. I have this endolymphatic hydrops thing. Is there a cure for this?
Apolonia Jul 8, 2018 I don't understand why ear treatments are so expensive and hard to reach. It is absurd and People need help.
I don't understand why ear treatments are so expensive and hard to reach. It is absurd and People need help.
Apolonia Jul 6, 2018 I had the opportunity to meet a person who says this whole page is full of lies. Why would that person say that?
I had the opportunity to meet a person who says this whole page is full of lies. Why would that person say that?
Apolonia Jul 5, 2018 I believe scientists should investigate more the relation between PMS and the intensity of tinnitus and hyperacusis.
I believe scientists should investigate more the relation between PMS and the intensity of tinnitus and hyperacusis.
Apolonia Jun 13, 2018 I can't stand the traffic noise anymore.. this is killing me... I am in such pain...
Apolonia Jun 5, 2018 7th month of tinnitus.... Still, the same. Hyperacusis only when exposed to traffic noise.
Apolonia Jun 5, 2018 I've Just realized that I have been suffering from H for years. But, I Always thought it was TMJ. Omg...
I've Just realized that I have been suffering from H for years. But, I Always thought it was TMJ. Omg...
Apolonia May 28, 2018 I Just read a letter Trump sent to a teacher. Why is the phrase sign into law wrong in the letter? Some American People Here?
I Just read a letter Trump sent to a teacher. Why is the phrase sign into law wrong in the letter? Some American People Here?
Apolonia May 28, 2018 Ear fullness/pain ,not that severe though. Tinnitus all over my head.Learned to ignore it.Can't fall asleep. What a Wonderful world.
Ear fullness/pain ,not that severe though. Tinnitus all over my head.Learned to ignore it.Can't fall asleep. What a Wonderful world.
Apolonia May 27, 2018 Will they ever find anything for the inner ear treatment? Ever? At least during our lifetime?