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  • Happy new year Hudson - if you ever happen to visit TT again and see this message :) I thank you for having posted your success story as your last message, that was very helpful for newbies (and others too).
    I would second that as well.

    Over the last few days I felt as though I couldn't hear my hissing sound. Then I partied a bit over New year's (drank alcohol, moderate noise except for people screaming in excitement in my ear) and it returned. Had the usual moment of panic and saw Hudson's post and it made me feel better. Would be very interested in how he's managing :).
    Where are you? Your last post Hudsons success story was so inspiring. Plus one of my best buds name from the Corps was also Hudson.
    Hi Hudson, I just have joined TT after lurking for way too long (I was reading from the very beginning, when this was a small and cozy forum) and have seen some of your posts where you talk about your clonazepam taper. May I ask you how are you doing now? Cheers!
    Any way to deal with unfriendly debates on hear? A friends thread is contently being bashed because he try ed sharing a message of hope.
    It was about how God helped him through the hard times. He wanted to encourage others to not give up and trust the lord. Don't seem fair to turn that message into debate of religions. Some are being vary mean to him
    Hi Hudson, I read on some posts that you kept attending concerts and loud bars with earplugs after your tinnitus came about. I was hoping you could recommend a company which manufactures some custom made earplugs (I'm assuming custom made is better) so that my tinnitus doesn't get any worse if I ever am in a really noisy situation? Thanks v much for any help.
    I've never worn custom ear plugs. I'm sure some of the users on here who work professionally with music can direct you to some that are worth your time and money.
    You seem to be in tune with a lot of the research and clinical studies (and thanx for posting so much about them, great info). Do you know of any dealing with Vagus Nerve Stimulation? I live in Omaha, NE and heard something about a VNS clinic in Iowa City (IA). Do you know anything about that?

    Mark :)
    The University of Iowa is participating in the Microtransponder Vagus Nerve stimulation study. I think they want you to live within 250 miles of the study site. Omaha clocks in at just under 250 miles to Iowa City. Assuming you fit the other inclusion criteria, you might be eligible for the study. I can give you contact information of the people performing the study if you would like.
    Mark McDill
    Sweet! Can you pass contact info (much appreciated). How do find out about these?

    Thanx again!

    Hello Hudson, I am a teenager with t. Would love to join your page and hopefully only focus on the positives. Thank you
    The first few months of tinnitus are the worst! Trust me. I got tinnitus when I was 17. I'm 28 now, and it hasn't killed me yet :)

    Just stay as active as you possibly can with friends. What does your tinnitus sound like? Try not to let thoughts of "this is just going to get worse" or "I can't handle this" get to you.
    I'm 17&my t's in the form of chirping. But, it's not always there. It comes and goes. I used to listen to my music loud through my headphones and I believe that's what caused it. But, I have not touched a pair of headphones since and try to protect my ears with ear plugs when in loud environments. It doesn't help that I have anxiety, but I've managed to calm myself for the most part. Thanks for replying.
    Yea. I will contact him this week. I read about it last night. Im not looking forward to getting a needle in my ear, but If they do take me, I will post my expirence in the forum to let everyone know how it went.
    Bit confused.

    Thanks though for the post. It is a big help that there is a website like this for support for disease that is largely unknown to many people.
    And are you sure that study was going to start next week or this week. I just went on the clinical trials web page and it stated that they are not recruiting. I would not mind going for a ride down a little south to talk with someone in person. I rather not go for the ride if they have not started recruiting.

    I'm pretty sure that they're starting soon. If you have only had tinnitus for a month, you'll definitely qualify. Are you taking any medications (psychiatric?). Contact Dr. Tyler by the email I posted above. Tell him that you're interested in participating in the AM-101 study.
    No I am not on any type of medications. It is the case that tinnitus is driving me a little crazy (i probably should be on something, lol).
    Well, take part in the study. I wish I could have. It was not around when I got tinnitus. Don't start taking any medication if you wish to participate. My opinion is that you should give the the trial a shot.
    Hey Hudson. Im from Minnesota. I am new to this site and disease. Would you mind messaging me the contact information that you have for Iowa. I have only read a little bit about the study, i do not know if i qualify. I have only had tinnitus for a month.
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