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  • Couple days ago, dante's inferno again. Today, sitting in a quiet room and hear nothing, except the quietest buzz coming from a light.
    Could you tell more about how it fluctuates?
    It's reactive to certain sounds. It always returns to baseline when I wake up, which is some white noise in both ears. But depending on how much sleep I get, it can ramp up to a high pitch ringing sound as the day progresses.
    Overcame my fear to see the dentist due to others reporting bad experiences with T. It was so loud but there was zero effect with my T!
    Jack Straw
    People fear monger here a lot. If one or two people have a bad experience, then everyone become terrified that everyone will. Take what you read here with a grain of salt.
    Bill Bauer
    Using your logic, it's ok to smoke (as the majority of smokers never experience any health problems due to smoking), and it's ok to exceed the speed limit by 20 miles per hour (as the vast majority of people who do so end up being ok).
    Bill Bauer
    Also the vast majority of those who don't exercise and don't have a healthy diet don't notice any problems for decades. So all of those doctors talking about healthy lifestyle are just fear mongering. Right?
    Had a ton of loud noise exposure yesterday and then woke up in silence. Really wondering if my T isn't related to acoustic trauma
    @HeavyMantra what was the cause of your permanent increase??
    Pretty sure it was singing with in-ear monitors (earbuds that are completely sealed like earplugs) for many hours during two days. If not that, it was psilocybin mushrooms
    I use AirPods nearly everyday but never push the volume past 50%, which according to the iOS health app is around 60db. Haven't experienced any problems using that volume level all the time.
    Had a cold for a week and it left me with constant tinnitus in my left ear, which used to be mostly silent. Seems this is so common, sadly.
    How did this develop?
    From the built up pressure from the cold. It finally went away, except sometimes it's there a bit in the morning and then goes away. So something to do with my Eustachian tube? Either way it's mostly resolved.
    It was getting better and came back with rage a few times. Today it's 100% gone. Still thing these are good signs I'm getting through T
    Bill Bauer
    Have you tried using earplugs in a quiet room? Is it the case that you still can't hear your T?
    Gives me hope
    I don't ever do that. If I give it that level of attention to where I'm listening for the tiniest internal noise, it gets worse. I still plug my ears to check sometimes but I find the less I do that, the less often it spikes.
    After one year of T I think it's improving. The high-pitched drill is fading and only creeps in at night. Waking up is like hitting reset
    That's great! When did it start improving?
    I started noticing something different around 5 days ago. It just seems way less... reactive. Still have baseline static going up and down but the high-pitched aspect was what was reactive. It's been mostly gone now.
    Tinnitus has been treating me nicely the past two days. It's been undetectable when I wake up, and today I haven't heard it all day.
    Had a bad migraine overnight and woke up with more floaters, and these ones I can see in dark light. So I guess migraines cause floaters?
    Seen so many protests in Hong Kong, they're starting to show up in my dreams.
    Sad to see... Havent been for a while but always seemed like such a safe place!
    The moment I wake up in the morning but still half asleep, tinnitus is 100% absent. But once I start fully waking up it gradually creeps in.
    Last night T gradually became dante's inferno, the worst I think I've ever experienced it. Then I woke up in straight up silence. Ugh
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