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  • Looking back, I couldn't even ride a bus with ease but I can now. The beep stop sound doesn't bother me much now.
    Apparently overprotection like listening to TV super quiet and wearing earplugs were the problems. I only use an earmuff now
    worst ever but I have my pills!
    Bill Bauer
    To the extent that you can, try to minimize the number of pills that you take...
    Bill Bauer
    Based on what I read on this forum, it is my understanding that one could get addicted. As time goes on, one needs to increase the dosage to achieve the same effect. If one gets addicted, it is hard to break the habit - withdrawal is torturous.
    I should've listened to Jazz music with earbuds when I was 15, not loud rock music like Linkin Park or Marilyn Manson.
    I don't think that would have mattered much, most music is produced to have the simillar frequency content. Volume and type of headphones matter more
    Try not to worry about it. In the end, it doesn't even matter.
    Getting tested to get a doctor diagnose me as hyperacusis so that I can have my English tests elsewhere with a quite speaker.
    Who takes antipsychotics? Does this help you dealing with hyperacusis or at least phonophobia?
    i have a friend on antipyschotics who told me they are pretty much causing depression.
    I've been taking them more than 2 months. I get very sleepy when I take them.
    Don Quixote's mighty fun and it's really lengthy. I recommend anyone try this book to distract themselves.
    Another series of big noise exposure and one of them was in outside in the night. I had a tinnitus spike and numbness in the right ear.
    And also a horrible distortion in the sound I hear. It went fine but it's so sad there is not a one thing I can control.
    I think I have a blood in my vocal cords! It started about 2 days ago. I'll go to see a doctor and see what the problem is.
    I hope that it's not serious and that you are feeling better.
    Thank you. It wasnt anything I should worried about, after all.
    I have noticed recently that sounds make me to be startled. Especially when I hear sounds at an unexpected moment and relaxing.
    It is not good for my heart... And I am not writing this negativity to bring down hopes of other people. Just a genuinly record of my 'phantom' symptoms. Hope you adapt to where you are.
    I am glad I have at least good literatures to indulge into. Makes me absorbed in them.
    Let's wait five years to see where I end up in. Make it a good research on myself. I will let you know!
    F# and G notes are painful to hear. I could never in my life tell if it is only a technical problem.
    I suspect my hyperacusis arose from being in a quite environment for years.
    The apartment where I live is newly built and when you're not opening the window it's very quite. There are big roads besides here so we nearly didn't open the window at all for about 4 years except for about 30 minutes for ventilation. I wonder this has caused my condition to become worse?
    First onset of hyperacusis happened after I moved here for 6 months. Because of the fear, wearing earplugs when going out became a natural thing. Not much noise exposure and could it be possible that this sorely is the cause? I'll have to open them at least 5 hours a day for 4 months and see what happens.
    Otherwise, I resort to earplugs
    Good day to you all. I'm heatedly reading a book. Can't wait for my new computer. Playing games would surely revive my spirit.
    Which games will you play?
    Thief2, Cities: Skylines, Amnesia: the dark descent and the like. Do you know any good games to play?
    Amongst my favorites are the Bioshock series, Mass Effect series and Skyrim. I also have Cities Skylines lying around, I will give it a try soon :)
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