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  • The same thing happened to me had microsuction done 3 times over 2 weeks and now I've got tonic tensor tympani syndrome and hyperacusis and tinitus
    @Biaxca how are you doing now? I'm almost 1 month out from microsuction with no sign of the new tinnitus letting up. No hearing loss on the Audiogram thankfully.
    @Ant315 hey! Sorry for delayed response haven't been on here. I'm on clonazepam from my neurologist, made my T fade into background not even a bother anymore. However, I still have my constant pulsatile tinnitus which is not really a noise is just a feeling of pulsing in my ear so having surgery to hopefully fix it it's cause of my myoclonus. if ur struggling rlly bad with T see a neurologist and ask about meds
    @Biaxca all good, I'm going to wait and see if mine fades before I take any more action. Sounds like you have a few things going on.
    Added: we didnt go on holiday and lost all our money due to this. I don't know if I'll go out now, just hope hearing aids will be the answer, do you have HA's? xx
    I don't sleep well, I've been awake since 4am. My life was destroyed by an ENT who did microsuction badly. I don't have hearing aids... Although my hearing is getting worse. I believe the noise trauma from the microsuction caused cochlear hydrops.
    Hi Blue28, I'm now housebound, not been out for six weeks as the noise is too great for me, also not eating and sleeping and lost two stone in weight. Hoping to get a home visit from audiology to get hearing aids to have some sort of normality. I'm even more angry at all this as I didnt really need it doing, just wanted a bit of wax removed (ear wasnt even blocked!!) before going on holiday.
    I truly am sorry to read this. I completely understand your anger, it enrages me that microsuction is not better reglemented and that the dangers of this procedure are not recognised or admitted. As its so difficult to sue Drs etc, microsuction is performed without a second thought as its quick and easy... A fast way to get money. It sickens me.
    Hi, don't know if you will see this but I've read your posts about damage from microsuction and it has happened to me early May. Hearing loss, tinnitus and hyperacausis. How are you doing?
    Hi @NightOwl, I'm so sorry to read that you are another victim of microsuction. It happened to me in 2016 and it seems that nothing has changed. ENTs etc that perform this procedure are still in denial of the damage it causes. Personally I just try to cope best I can but it's hard... I push through the worst times and cherish the better times.
    ..Never before had problems with my ears. Now I have trigeminal neuralgia and terrible pain in the ears (plus all the other complaints as fullness, dizziness, tinnitus, HA,popping...) . I burst everyday in tears, because I turned from a healthy into disabled, debiliated person:(.
    Hi @Rali, I'm truly sorry that you are suffering too because of microsuction. This procedure is very dangerous yet its done with the least amount of caution. I will send you a PM tomorrow (it's middle of the night here).
    I think after 20 days my ear was full and sensitive to sounds. And all the other complaints developed a month after the procedure, so the doctors say it is a very long time after that and it could not be the trigger. But I received the pain after the microsuction.
    Hello Blue28! Isn"t it getting at least a liitle bit better? Do you have dizziness and feel sick sometimes? How long after the microsuction did you experience your symptoms? I had ear pain the evening after it and after some days it got better. Then after some weeks I woke up with vertigo amd nausea and started feel dizzy for weeks.
    Are you still able to listen to music?
    Hi @Ava Lugo, I don't really listen to music now, it just doesn't sound the same... And it irritates my ears even at a low level. It's heartbreaking.
    Dear Blue28, I will be grateful if you contact and answer me! I am so desperate after microsuction. Don"t know how to live with all that pain, popping, tinnitus, itching. Please, share your experience with me! Thank you in advance! Ralitza
    @Rali, i'm so sorry to hear that you too have suffered damage because of microsuction. It breaks my heart read that another person has become victim to this terrible procedure.
    Hearing damage doesn't just stop there... It affects everything and everyone. A credible treatment or cure is long overdue.
    .....and everyone" A fact often ignored. It costs the society huge amount of money because people are disabled and can't work, and family and friends suffer from the stress of our condition, because they can not take our pain away.......It is a tragedy not only to the sufferer.
    How did a microsuction cause an acoustic trauma? Or was it from damage to the ear drum?
    I had mine done I'm not sure if it's responsible for my recent spike and don't remember it being loud just the sound of wax getting suctioned out. @brownbear are you an ENT have you heard of this before
    @Vicki14 had microsuction and it caused her VERY mild tinnitus to become extremely loud. It also caused hyperacusis, and no end of stress. I think at the wrong hands this procedure can be extremely damaging to our auditory system, and our health in general.
    @Blue28 exact same thing happened to my mum. Her T went from mild to extreme, because of an ENT using microsuction.
    Constant ringing, fullness, hyperacusis, pain, hearing loss and utter despair... This is what microsuction by an ENT did to me.
    My ENT was baffled when I told him the tinnitus community regarded microsuction as unsafe. We really need updated medical practices.
    There's this noise inside my head I can't get away from, a numbness in my ears and a knot in my stomach...
    Hi Blue - I saw your tinnitus was caused by micro suctioning. Did you ever have to have wax removed by another method? Thanks, Ruth
    Hi @Agrajag364 , no I had never had wax removed before by any means. I didn't even know what options there were, apart from syringing. I only went as the wax had softened and moved after a swimming session and seemed to be too far down to come out with drop (I tried this for approx 10 days)s...I wish I'd left it and continued with drops...if only. Microsuction is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS IMO.
    Can I accept that this is the new norm? Battling that acceptance for the last 16 months is becoming exhausting.
    Struggling against it is where we suffer the most. At least for me. I'm finding that being engaged in my life and work - many times faking it - puts T into the background. Not always easy but with practice, I'm convinced I can move past it, ie habituate.
    I never used to think about my ears, now I think of nothing else :-(
    Don't we all... :( Sadly, we don't know what we have until we have lost it.
    I'm in this on my own, I have to get out of this on my own. No doctor is going to listen let alone help.
    bill 112
    I've read your posts Blue and all I can recommend is Ativan.

    It's a benzo so not a long term solution but it literally turns my T off and reduces my H by 50%
    bill 112
    You could also look into round window reinforcement for your H, I'm getting it done shortly so will let you know how things work out.
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