Aug 9, 2019
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Planet Earth
Staying Sane

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Member, from Planet Earth

It's been over 2 years since my acoustic shock incident. I am doing a whole lot better now. Still have issues, but not like before luckily. Jun 4, 2021

    1. Auron
      It's been over 2 years since my acoustic shock incident. I am doing a whole lot better now. Still have issues, but not like before luckily.
      1. twa
        Tell us more. :-)
        Jun 5, 2021
        Jebbis likes this.
      2. GBB
        You're *not* gonna carry that weight.
        Jun 5, 2021
    2. mohn
      @Auron did the clicking sound in ear resolve? any advise for new sufferers ?
      1. Tezcatlipoca
        Hey I'm about a year and it got better on my right ear, left is a work in process, give it time, you're less than a month in.
        May 28, 2021
      2. Auron
        @mohn it resolved on it's own. No more clicking has occurred for months.
        Jun 4, 2021
        twa likes this.
    3. Auron
      Not sure If I should follow through with my pfizer vac appointment. Both covid and Vac sucks. Wish we didnt have to make this decision
      1. Steph1710, tracyNYC and Lilah like this.
    4. __nico__
      Do you still experience dysacusis?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. __nico__
        mine is so bad that most music is unintelligible
        Jan 23, 2021
      3. Ava Lugo
        Ava Lugo
        Auron, when do you hear dysacusis? With music?
        Jan 23, 2021
      4. Auron
        @Ava Lugo I hear it with certain sounds, music included, but I know some have it worse. First 3 months or so were the worse for me where things sounded muffled, too sharp, or just plain flat. Luckily I got better but I peaked and remain more or less the same for about a year now.
        Jan 26, 2021
    5. Auron
      I listened to one song with my headphones on today.Its been more than a year since Ive used them.I truly felt alive,I got lost in the moment
      1. Tavia R, Kriszti, Steph1710 and 2 others like this.
      2. Tavia R
        Tavia R
        It's amazing isn't it? It's like your whole soul dissolves into the melody. At least I felt that way when I played my first song in 6 months. Mine was Otherside by Red Hot Chili Peppers. What was yours?
        Jun 28, 2020
      3. Auron
        RHCP nice. Californication is problably my fav album of thiers.I actually listened to some music from an old game I use to play,- FFXIV OST Matoya's Cave Theme- .
        Jun 28, 2020
    6. Auron
      More things are sounding way off.Some sound flat/sharp,other's things like garbage.T remains the same, I wonder what damage this indicates.
    7. Auron
      I wish I had healthy ears again.Could sure use headphones + music right about now.
      1. Steph1710, Tweedleman, FGG and 4 others like this.
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      3. Tweedleman
        I can't even stand going for a walk seeing all the lucky bastards with their headphones/earbuds in. Meanwhile I suffer in "silence."
        May 5, 2020
      4. Lucifer
        @Tweedleman I do the same thing as well seeing people with healthy ears who can stand using headphones without having T or H.
        May 5, 2020
        ASilverLight likes this.
      5. ASilverLight
        I agree with all of you.
        May 5, 2020
        Lucifer likes this.
    8. Auron
      My H has gotten a lot better over the last 3 months.T and dysacusis didnt improve at all.Still miserable.Hope for others with H I suppose
      1. Capstan likes this.
    9. Auron
      RIP Kobe Bryant...
      1. Guest444, Artazanasss and Kain like this.
      2. Lucifer
        Doesn’t even feel real. Sad that he is gone
        Jan 26, 2020
        Artazanasss likes this.
    10. Auron
      8 months in and I'm still in denial.This can't seriously be my life.It real doesnt feel real.What little I had, gone just like that.1 second
      1. GBB and Capstan like this.
      2. LukeYoung
        We all feel like this. We aren’t the same. We can’t go back. It’s tough but that’s the reality of the situation. The first year or so is always the hardest. I can attest to this myself. I hope time will be kind to you and help you habituate
        Jan 17, 2020
    11. Auron
      Well 2019 was the worst year of my life by a mile.
      1. threefirefour, acute, Lilah and 4 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. OnceUponaTime
        Hoping 2020 treats you better.
        Jan 1, 2020
        threefirefour likes this.
      4. Lilah
        Mine too.
        Jan 2, 2020
        threefirefour likes this.
      5. acute
        Jan 3, 2020
        threefirefour likes this.
    12. Auron
      Is there a list of safest Antibiotics.I took augmentin but ear infection didnt clear.I dont trust cipro.Whats my next best safe bet.
      1. Gman
        I'm dreading the day I ever need antibiotics again...
        Dec 12, 2019
    13. Auron
      Miserable.Day's are tedious.Sacred of antibiotics.Just a mess.I wonder if I will ever experience joy again.I need a miracle...
      1. MrE likes this.
      2. all to gain
        all to gain
        I feel for you. I'm also waiting for a miracle. Life is horrible like this.
        Nov 29, 2019
        acute and Guest444 like this.
      3. MrE
        Hey man. Stay strong. This world is better with you in it. My T is also getting worse now'a'days, and I'm no christian, but I've had a lot of discussions with Him (or Her) lately. The angry/bitter kind.. Life is a challange, let's face it together =)
        Nov 29, 2019
    14. Auron
      given 10 day does of 875mg amoxicillin/125mg Clavulanate Potassium 2xDay for a bulging ear drum.Is it safe to take that much for that long?
      1. Striveon
        I took 500 mg for 10 days & the clavulanate potassium I never heard of so i can't oppiniate. Follow your doctor's instructions, amoxicillin hasn't made any permanent damage to my T.
        Nov 28, 2019
        Auron likes this.
      2. Auron
        @FGG Do you think 875mg amoxicillin/125mg Clavulanate Potassium every 12 hrs for 10 days is dangerous?It's okay if you not sure.Thanks regardless.
        Nov 28, 2019
      3. FGG
        I'm not sure but penicillin based antibiotics are supposed to be the least ototoxic.
        Nov 28, 2019
    15. Auron
      Uncomfortable bulging ear drum...HELP WHAT SHOULD I DO?
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      2. Auron
        @Striveon TY so much.How long till it reduced.I have taken 2 pills so far and ear drum is still the same.
        Nov 25, 2019
        Striveon likes this.
      3. Striveon
        You HAVE to finish the whole course, I didn't see improvements until I was around 1/2 the antibiotic course
        Nov 26, 2019
        Auron likes this.
      4. Auron
        @Striveon Thxs.Did your ear drum feel like it had a lot of pressure against it.As if it's gonna burst.SO UNCOMFORTABLE!.
        Nov 26, 2019
    16. Auron
      ear drum is bulging said my Dr.Ear Infection.Gave me Amoxicillin-Clav. What else should I be doing?Are steroids good to fight inflammation?
    17. Auron
      Yesterday night I got this sensation in my left ear as if a stone was in there.Ear drum felt dull.Was really uncomfortable.Anyone exp this?
    18. Auron
      I'm having a hard time returning to things I use to like to do.They aren't loud activities,so that's not the problem.I just get depressed.
      1. Pawel1 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Pawel1
        As the time goes by, new inspirations, ideas and motivations will show up on the horizon of life, and things will get better, that's for sure. In dealing with Tinnitus, talking to others and having patience, is crucial.

        Peace, Auron.
        Oct 9, 2019
      4. Ricardo1991
        Hey! You're going to be good! And happy again! This is just a moment in time. Please trust me, I went through a period of depression until I started taking control of my life. I would repeat, "I have tinnitus, it does not have me."
        Oct 9, 2019
      5. Ricardo1991
        I remember that there's thousands of people with tinnitus that are happy, they laugh. They rest, they are happy and so can I. Hopefully that helps! Please do reach out if you need someone to talk to!
        Oct 9, 2019
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    Planet Earth
    Staying Sane
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Acoustic Shock