twa Dec 4, 2020 Good news! How long have you have T? Do you have H also? It seems like many people start to see some positive changes around 7-10 months.
Good news! How long have you have T? Do you have H also? It seems like many people start to see some positive changes around 7-10 months.
N N nikkinikki Oct 1, 2020 T hasn't improved or changed all that much recently, but my emotional response has gotten better (for the most part).
T hasn't improved or changed all that much recently, but my emotional response has gotten better (for the most part).
N N nikkinikki Sep 10, 2020 Stabbing ear pain when my mouth is open wide; time to add TMJ to the list of things to look into.
N N nikkinikki Sep 4, 2020 Drove home with a loud friend in her loud car. It likely wasn't loud enough to have a negative impact, but not stressing about it is hard.
Drove home with a loud friend in her loud car. It likely wasn't loud enough to have a negative impact, but not stressing about it is hard.
N N nikkinikki Aug 19, 2020 Acoustic trauma tones are fluctuating toward improvement, but the tone from a big ear pop is stubborn. Should I bother hoping it'll go?
Acoustic trauma tones are fluctuating toward improvement, but the tone from a big ear pop is stubborn. Should I bother hoping it'll go?
N N nikkinikki Aug 11, 2020 T is made worse either by sleeping or lying down; going to sleep is doable but after waking up it's clanging like a fire alarm. Whyyyyy
T is made worse either by sleeping or lying down; going to sleep is doable but after waking up it's clanging like a fire alarm. Whyyyyy
N N nikkinikki Aug 5, 2020 I thought my original tone might be gone, but no. It just lies in wait. XD
N N nikkinikki Jul 22, 2020 T has progressed the point it's only annoying at night, but damn is it annoying at night!
N N nikkinikki Jul 12, 2020 My new T tone hasn't gone down in volume at all, but somehow... I'm ok with it? Is this habituation?
N N nikkinikki Jul 6, 2020 T is worse than it's ever been, and is entirely different to onset. Different tone, and way louder, especially after sleeping. Very worried.
T is worse than it's ever been, and is entirely different to onset. Different tone, and way louder, especially after sleeping. Very worried.
N N nikkinikki Jul 2, 2020 I keep picking up new tones, from ear popping?? All progress has gone out the window.
N N nikkinikki Jun 28, 2020 Managed to meditate into silence today! Just for a minute, but it was a nice minute.