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  • Hope I dont live to see my 30s
    Hi Leanne, I'm sorry you feel this way... I have two little ones too and it's hard at times. But don't say that. God willing things will improve for you and for all of us. Your kids only have one mom and is you!!! Imagine their life without you... Keep strong ... I'm here for you... Feel free to message me even if you only want to vent or be heard ! Love Rina
    Where is everyone from :)
    eric peterson
    best to come not in winter. it's lovely the other parts of the year.
    Lived and worked in NYC for many years. I miss the City buzz, all night bars and dining in the real good places, not tourist traps. You could eat out every night for 50 years and never hit the same place twice. Manhattan rocks!
    I love in Florida!!!!
    Just another lonely day
    I'm lonely too
    Blackbird26, it's not so much physical loneliness, but the ability to have mental loneliness. The latter represents, peace and quiet.
    Hmm @Sailboardman not sure what you mean..I think Leanne is actually lonely...anyways my ears are buzzing off my head..every sound makes me jump..AND I am also lonely..I don't do "alone" very well and this existence is lonely as hell..Frankly speaking I desire a man...a companion..I had that and now it's gone and it's difficult. .considering....
    Struggling again I'm to weak to handle this
    You can handle it. What's the alternative? Would you leave your kids behind when committing suicide? Do not consider suicide!
    Help and advice please I have T from tmj would like to hear how other people are coping and what they take to help my T is really bad
    Advil, splint therapy, flexeril, clonazepam, massages, trigger point injections, PT, Massage, keeping stress low low low. Not eating really chewy foods. Join the tmj groups on fb.
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