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  • Hey there. I read your post and I just wanted to message you to let you know that everything's going to be okay. Don't beat yourself up about it, you couldn't have predicted this would happen. I've had tinnitus for roughly 4 months from an ear infection that came out of nowhere. I've seen improvements with time, so it's important to keep hoping. <3
    Thanks a lot for the encouraging words. I know everything will be okay now me also =) I will habituate to the tinnitus I am sure, and as long as I don't get more hearing loss, I will still cope good in life. I am really trying to not beat myself up about it, but not yet succesfull about it. Afraid I in future will get worse tinnitus and hearing loss, but I just need to be careful, and it probably will not happen.
    Sucks to hear about your tinnitus from an ear infection. I know how much tinnitus can suck, but good you are seeing improvements =) I will keep up the hope for improvements, and it is not too bad at the moment. I am mostly sad about letting myself damage myself like that while being counsious about it, but mistakes can happen, and I can be glad the damage is not worse.
    Hope your tinnitus improves <3 And thanks for the kind words <3
    Hope you're feeling better, in every way. Cheers.
    Not feeling too bad =) Thanks for the kind words. Hope you are feeling good you too =)
    When I was younger I went to a hardstyle party. I didnt have ear protection because it was my first time. I didn't physically understand how everyone was so okay. I held my ears but I was ashamed, slowly taking my hands off my ears. I only learned that protecting your body is shameful. Be gentle to yourself as these things are societal problems, not individual problems. World needs to change in volume.
    It really sucks it has to be so loud sometimes. Where I am from we are never blasting the music really really loud on parties. But the people in this other place on the rave that fcdk up my ears were doing so. I actually had to write the main guy behind it, to tell him they were playing to loud, and he agreed. So hopefully it saves some ears in the future.
    Thinking back, it is sad to think about the party damaging peoples ears like that.

    Was also a small festival (with coronarules) this fall where I am from, and then actually this one girl I know was ridiculing me a bit because I was using some earplugs (don't think she meant it bad). But yeah. I am not the only one not protecting my ears because of no one else doing so. Thinking about looking stupid etc.
    But having several drops to 15dB on the audiogram, I really can't let my hearing getting worse. Just need to be super rigid in doing so. I used up all my extra lives now.

    Thanks for the post and encouraging me to be gentle to myself. I hope to get over it, but it is hard for me to not thinking about it.
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