Michael White

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  • pulsatile tinnitus is horrible.
    @Steph1710 how is your t pulsatile? Wouldn't you take a stent to treat that t?
    @PortugalTheMan yes. A stent would be amazing. But in England we have something called the NHS, which basically means that unless you're dying, they won't do fuck all to help. I've been trying to get them to stent it for three and a half years lol. It's been a huge battle - one that I am STILL fighting.
    I have been waiting since The beginning of August just to have my scan results given to me. Apparently I have to wait until January. That's six months. Six fucking months to get my scan results. If I had the money, I would have gone private and had a stent by now. Unfortunately, I will have to keep fighting for something that will likely never happen.
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