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  • Started my medications today for the flattening on my neck. Let's see if it will make any changes regarding my PT in coming days / weeks.
    What kind of medication are you taking?
    something herbal for memory, mostly used for alzheimer patients, apparently it balances the blood flow in brain.

    something for casual 'tinnitus' and hearing loss which I don't have either and how irrevelant are these to flattening on my neck now??

    another something that apparently does the same with two others.

    which I keep asking to myself how will these even fix my neck...
    Brother is listening music in his room w/ earbuds so loud I can hear it here, bby down stairs screaming & I have an appt. in the morning..
    Do you have H? and my sympathies.Sounds like a loud environment :/
    Time to sneak out the back door and set the house on fire!
    @Blackbird26 I am not sure but yes, it is loud. If not them landlord always finds something to drill, hammer or 'repair'

    @Sailboardman I guess that would generate some warm.
    A venomous red jellyfish from outer space is sucking my brain out from my ear. How rude.
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