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  • Everything you're doing sounds good. Follow your doctors advice and the tinnitus will likely become mild again. However don't go for the MRIs, you don't need them and they will cause further damage, trust me.
    Hey @Mark_Caswell, sorry, I've been focusing on studies so didn't see this.

    Everything you're describing sounds normal, re: the fleeting tinnitus. You'll get used to it and it tends to decrease over time.
    I'm not sure about the dull pain, that's something always worth having the inside of your ear checked for. My first thought with pain is always ear infection. So best to rule that out.
    Anyway, I realise you wrote this over a month ago. I hope since then the sound has decreased somewhat and the dull pains have stopped.

    Best thing for this condition is protection and time (for now).
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